Can I Get Rid of My Poikiloderma?

Achieve Even Skin Tone: Laser Treatment for Poikiloderma

Very simply, yes you can get rid of Poikiloderma. Here at Celibre Medical, we have a wide array of FDA-approved class IV medical lasers and broad band light that can both safely and effectively remove the red and brown discoloration of Poikiloderma.  We use pulsed dye lasers, q-switched lasers and the Sciton BBl (broad band light) to get rid of redness, sun damage and uneven skin tone.

A good question to ask is, “Will my Poikiloderma stay gone after laser treatment?” This question is a bit more difficult to answer. One factor to consider is how you developed your Poikiloderma in the first place.  Chances are you spent a lot of time in the sun. UV exposure is the main culprit behind the changes that you see on your skin.

So, if you decide that you’re going to invest the time and make the financial commitment to get rid of your Poikiloderma with class IV medical lasers, then you need to take the proper steps to make sure that you protect your skin so that you don’t develop it again.

Protecting Your Skin: Sunscreen and Smart Behavior

Sun avoidance works as the best type of sunscreen. Do your outdoor exercise or yard work early or late in the day, when the sun’s UV isn’t quite so intense. Even still, you must wear broad spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from damaging UV rays, and consider protective clothing if you’re going to have extended periods of sun exposure, especially if you’re swimming or sweating.

At Celibre Medical, we’ve helped many patients rejuvenate the appearance of the skin on their neck. We can help you too. Don’t hide behind your turtlenecks any longer. With the proper laser treatment and some simple, yet effective sun-smart behavior, you can be proud to show it off again.

poikiloderma laser treatment los angeles

Poikiloderm photo (courtsey of eMedicine)

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