Radiesse Injections Overview

Radiesse Injections

Treatment | Before and After Pictures | Cost

What if we told you there was a way to make your body make more collagen?  It sounds too good to be true, right?  Well, it’s not a cream or a pill and it’s certainly not magic either!  It’s an injectable product called Radiesse.


Radiesse (formerly known as Radiance) is a dermal filler product that’s different from HA products like Juvederm and Restylane.  It is a gel that uses little particles of something called calcium hydroxyl apatite (CaHA) to create some very BIG effects. These little particles act as a framework for your body to make NEW collagen around.

So unlike HA fillers that volumize and then breakdown, Radiesse will give you the same volume boosting effect, but after it’s gone, leave you with some increased collagen in its place!  That’s pretty amazing!

Radiesse can be used anywhere to address the nagging signs of volume loss that come with aging:

  • Cheekbones: While some women have great bone structure, some of us weren’t so blessed!  The cheek area can really take a hit as we age, flattening out making our tear troughs more prominent and the whole lower half of our face look heavy.  Radiesse is a GREAT product for rebuilding this area, as it can really provide some heavy duty lifting, recreating the full, rounded cheeks you had years ago.
  • Marionette lines and oral commissures: Those heavy lines or folds that extend down from the corners of the mouth to either side of the chin are known as the Marionette lines.  Often, if you’ve got them, the corners (or commissures) of your mouth are turned in due to lack of volume in this general area as well. Both of these changes can make you look like your constantly frowning!  Radiesse is a great way to restore a more happy- looking you!
  • Nasolabial folds: Better known as the “smile lines”, these are the deep folds that often form from the corner of the nose and extend down to the corners of your mouth.  Radiesse is an easy way to instantly volumize and stimulate some collagen to keep them looking smooth.  Now that should make you smile!
  • Pre-Jowl sulcus: This is that pesky area on either side of your chin that as it hollows, makes your chin appear more prominent.   And because the jawline isn’t straight or smooth due to volume loss in this area, the back half of the jawline looks heavier, especially when you smile.  This is what’s commonly called jowling.  Radiesse can help restore a more contoured, straight jawline which helps the lower half of the face appear more tapered and makes those jowls disappear.

How Does Radiesse Work and How Long Does It Last?

Radiesse is an injectable gel that can be used to fill both deeper areas, like the cheeks and pre-jowl sulcus as well as folds and creases, like the nasolabial and marionette folds.

At Celibre, we like to describe the CaHA particles in Radiesse as a framework or scaffolding that provides structure.  When it is injected, you will see instant results, but those particles remain there providing a place for collagen to form around and in essence, stimulating your body to make its own “filler” over time.

Deeper injections can really provide some serious lift for areas that need volume and injection into the folds and creases will make them smooth instantly.  Your skin will also get a boost of elasticity and firmness due to the new collagen.    In most cases, Radiesse will last between 9-12 months.  The collagen you make around it may last a lot longer!

Is Radiesse a Safe Choice for Me?

Radiesse is one of the safest products on the market for treating volume loss.  It is the only dermal filler on the market in the U.S. that has two FDA-approved facial uses.  It is both biodegradable and non-toxic.

The CaHA particles themselves are rich in calcium and phosphate ions, which are already part of our bodies naturally.  They are suspended in a carrier gel.  This gel is made up of carboxymethyl cellulose, which is basically a mix of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in addition to glycerin and sterile water.  There is very low risk of allergy to Radiesse and there is no allergy testing necessary before injection.  Anyone can enjoy the benefits of Radiesse!

What are the Possible Side Effects of Radiesse?

Because Radiesse is a deeper injection, its side effects are basically the same as those of the other HA fillers like Restylane and Juvederm.  Temporary redness, swelling and bruising call happen after Radiesse injections.  Usually, the bruising and swelling is mild and only lasts the first few days after treatment.  At Celibre Medical Corporation, we encourage patients to use ice on the treated areas for a while after injections.  This helps reduce both the swelling and severity of any bruising.  While you are probably fine to run errands or return to work after your Radiesse injections, you may not want to schedule any important meetings, get-togethers or photo sessions immediately after you’ve had Radiesse.

At Celibre, our injectors are experts with Radiesse.  They will work hard to reduce and avoid unwanted side effects.  We are looking out for you!

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