Is There a Laser Treatment to Help Get Rid of Road Rash?

Road rash is a slang or laymen’s term for a condition better known in the medical field as a traumatic tattoo. If you’ve ever had an accident—bike, car or motorcycle—or know someone who has, then you may be familiar with it. If a patient’s skin becomes scraped and filled with gravel, sand, pavement or asphalt during a traumatic accident, a “staining” effect can occur. The healed skin or “scar” that’s left behind usually has a blackish or bluish discoloration.

Many people aren’t aware that tattoo removal lasers are great tools for the treatment of road rash and should be used early in the recovery phase. These devices are safe to use on every skin type (color), so anyone who has suffered a road rash injury may have treatment. Laser treatments usually need to be done in a series, but the results and improvement we’ve seen with them is dramatic.

Older road rash injuries can be treated too, but may not respond as well to the laser. If you or someone you know has a road rash scar, there is help. We would love to opportunity to evaluate your injury and tell you more about the success we’ve had treating this difficult condition.

road rash scars before laser treatment road rash scars after laser treatment
Scar Removal Before and After Pictures

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