The Story Behind Acne

For most adults, acne is a teenage problem. Acne was a nuisance for sure, but not much more than a memory. But maybe you still have acne and feel differently—a lot differently. Do you think about your acne constantly? Do you stay away from social or work situations because of unexpected breakouts? Do you feel trapped in an cycle of irritating, ineffective and expensive acne medications that don’t work for you?

orange county california acne laser treatments before and after photosorange county california acne laser treatments before and after photosOne thing about acne that we know for sure is that it affects everyone differently.  It can be a devastating problem that leaves both emotional and physical scars. Even the mildest acne can be devastating to some. We understand this and respect it. We also know that there is no “cure” for acne.

At Celibre Medical, we’re passionate about helping our acne patients. We truly understand the impact it can have on your life and have spent countless hours listening to our patients tell us about their daily struggles.

Our patients often have a “breaking point” or turning moment when they realize they have to find something that works. Maybe it’s a birthday, wedding, prom or some other special event that motivates them to seek out a different treatment path. Are you at this point? Do you feel hopeless about your skin and ready to give up? We want you to know that we are here to listen to you and to help! There is hope and there are effective treatments that can make your acne better.

Celibre Medical takes a different approach to acne.  We base all our treatment recommendations on research-proven and clinically effective devices and practices that are reported in the medical literature. You won’t find any trendy, hip, or unproven acne treatments here. Our promise to you is to use and recommend treatments that have a solid track record of success.

We want you to understand your acne better as well as how the treatment recommendations can help. We can’t cure it or make it disappear overnight, but together, we can make your acne more manageable and less impactful on your life and well-being.

Contact us for a FREE Consultation