Which Lasers Remove Age Spots?

Unveiling the Best Lasers for Age Spot Removal

Many patients view lasers as a “cure all” for their skin condition. While laser technology has certainly come a long way in the past several years, this idea is simply not true.  Unless you know what to look for, your expected results could fall short. At Celibre, we are committed to helping you match the right laser with your particular skin condition.

In the case of age spots (sun or liver spots), lasers that target pigment are used to permanently remove these spots. At Celibre, we use q-switched lasers to effectively remove spots caused by sun exposure and we use BBL (IPL) to remove or improve diffuse pigment (general discoloration).

los angeles liver spot removal before pictures los angeles liver spot removal before pictures

Q-switched lasers are designed to remove pigment such as tattoos and birthmarks, so sun spots are typically very straightforward. These lasers are extremely powerful so we often use them only on the area of the skin where the actual sun spot is seen. IPL is very different. Often IPL cannot remove round age spots, but does a good job of getting rid of accumulated sun damage that causes unevenness in the color of the forehead, neck and chest. Together these devices offer a powerful tandem to help patients like you with sun damage to get rid of most or all of the discoloration.

But remember, no matter which laser we use to treat your age spots, we always let you know that the best treatment is prevention! Always practice sun-smart behavior and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays.

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