Birthmark Removal Before and After Pictures

Birthmark Removal Before and After

Overview | Treatment | Cost

Birthmark removal is one of the trickiest, but also one of the most rewarding, procedures we offer. Regardless of how they look, no two birthmarks are the same and this means that the technology and experience are very important to the success of a birthmark removal program. There is one type of red birthmark, a port-wine stain, and many types of brown birthmarks. We can successfully treat many of these with laser technology.

  • Red birthmarks. Red, or vascular, birthmarks are referred to as port-wine stains because of their maroon or Cabernet color. The birthmarks form when an unusual number and concentration of blood vessels appears very near or at the surface of the skin. The most effective laser treatment for port wine birthmarks is the pulsed dye laser.
  • Brown Cafe-au-lait birthmarks are a coffee-colored light brown birthmark that is the easiest type of birthmark to remove. These birthmarks are most prevalent on medium skin tones such as Hispanic or light Asian. They respond well to q-switched laser treatment, especially when located on the face. Removing them on the body is trickier and less successful.
  • Purple, blue, and greenish Nevus of Ota birthmarks respond well to q-switched 1064 laser treatments. These marks occur most often around the eyes in Asian, Hispanic and African American patients. Although a good number of treatments is required (6-12 is typical), we can usually remove much of the pigment.
  • Birthmarks that typically do not respond well to laser treatments are giant cafe-au-lait marks on the body, Becker’s Nevi, Deep nevi and Speckled nevi.


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