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Overview | Treatment | Scars Before and After Pictures | Cost
Are you living with concerning scars? Whether it’s facial scarring from surgery or acne, or scars on your body from surgery, injuries, or trauma, many people with scars spend valuable time, money and emotional energy worrying about and trying to hide them. They can be a reminder of the past or trigger unpleasant memories. They can make you anxious, upset, or worried about what others think about you when they see your scars. Stop living with your scars and just start living!
If you’ve ever wondered if there’s a real, effective treatment that can significantly improve the appearance of, or even get rid of your scarring, we are here to tell you that there is! At Celibre Medical Corporation, we understand that there are no two cases of scarring that are exactly alike. We have an exceptional team of highly trained, experienced registered nurses who specialize in the individualized treatment of scarring with our over 20, different FDA-approved lasers.
Laser technology is an excellent tool for the treatment of many types of scarring. It is a highly customized and tailored process that’s engineered to fit your unique scar(s), needs, budget and lifestyle. We can help improve the appearance of or remove scars from surgery, acne, burns and more. Whether you have one or more flat, raised, red or brown scars, we have effective treatments that can help. Depending on your individual situation, a series of treatments done over time will probably be necessary to help you achieve the results you are looking for.
If you are ready to do something about the appearance of your scars and want to learn more about the only effective treatment out there to help get rid of your scarring, then please pick up the phone and give us a call today to schedule your free consultation. We would love the opportunity to talk to you and give you more information on how our proven treatment regimens can give you back your confidence and transform the appearance of your scars.