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Do you want camera-ready lashes without all the fuss, hassle, time, and expense of coats of mascara, false eyelashes or lash extensions? Then look no further than Latisse.
Since its introduction eight years ago, Latisse has become one of the most popular and fastest-growing cosmetic treatments in the U.S. The reason behind its success is that it provides a predictable and powerful rejuvenation of your most noticeable asset: your eyes. Helping your own lashes grow longer, thicker, and darker, has become a revolutionary, yet simple way to enhance your eyes.
Latisse is a prescription product, so it requires a medical exam by a licensed physician assistant or nurse practitioner prior to you starting it. This usually factors into the cost of the product (if you’re buying through a medical office). While it is a cosmetic product, there are some potentially serious side effects from using it. Having a full understanding of how to use it correctly as well as what to watch for should something unwanted happen is essential.
The cost of Latisse is generally between $100 to $200 per 3 mL vial, with $120 being the average. 5 mL vials sell for a bit more. Given its proven efficacy and stellar patient reviews, it is really hard to understand why anyone would pay similarly for a product that can’t produce the returns of Latisse? Although they are some claims of similar efficacy, there absolutely isn’t anything else available on the market that can do what Latisse does! The trick is staying with it for a full 12 to 16 weeks to see the full effects. We have yet to have a patient of ours not be thrilled with their results. Bottom line: it really works!