Why Are Botox Prices Different?

This is a very good question. It’s also one that we get on a regular basis at our office. If you’ve ever wondered why Botox prices differ from place to place, we hope that after reading this page, you’ll have a better understanding of why they vary.

Here are several factors that affect the price of Botox:

1. Consistency and Relationship: When a practice offers rock-bottom Botox prices (usually $7-$8/unit), this is usually a one-time or introductory offer. These practices figure that they’ll get you through the door via this pricing, but then when you come back for your next treatment, they’ll charge you way more.

We don’t do this at Celibre Medical. Why? Because we believe that our reputation and results are the best types of advertising. If you’re looking for the lowest price every time you get your Botox, then you are very likely jumping from office to office. While this strategy might save you some money, we’d argue that it costs you more in the long run. You may not achieve the best results and you may waste a lot of time.

At Celibre Medical, we take pride in building strong relationships with our patients. We take the time to learn about your needs and goals. Over time, we learn what works best for you so that we can deliver great, consistent results each time you visit.

2. Truth and Integrity: Many practices offer reduced Botox rates because they over dilute their Botox. They don’t follow the manufacturer’s recommendations or the industry standard of care when preparing their Botox for injection. What this ultimately means is that you may get less Botox than you pay for. And this usually translates into results that disappear quickly (within several weeks to 2 months) after your treatment.

At Celibre Medical, we dilute our Botox to both the manufacturer’s directions and the industry standard. This means to you that you are getting the exact amount of Botox that you’re paying for.

3. Time and Training: Another strategy used by those who offer low Botox pricing is to make up for that pricing with volume. The more patients they can treat in an hour, the lower they can push their Botox prices. How does this impact you? Well, aside from feeling like you are being herded like cattle, it puts you at risk of two things: not knowing or understanding much about what is being done to you and falling victim to poor injection techniques.

Many practices that offer lower Botox prices also make up for that pricing by eliminating a budget for their injector’s training and continuing medical education.

At Celibre Medical, we not only take the time to get to know you but we also

want to educate you on all aspects of your care! We will make sure you understand any risks or potential complications and answer any questions that you may have before we ever begin a procedure. We also ensure that our injectors complete yearly training and education so that they may stay current on the latest injection techniques. We invest in their knowledge and skills because we understand that this translates into excellent results for you!

4. Safety and Ethics: At Celibre, we make sure that every new Botox patient has a Good Faith Exam. This is an exam with a physician or advanced practitioner that ensures that you are indeed a good candidate for Botox. We admit that this exam is really just a formality, but we do it because it is the law in the state of California. Many facilities that offer cheap Botox skip this (despite knowing the law) because it costs too much. But ask yourself this: if they’re willing to ignore the law (or worse, don’t even know about it!), what else are they ignoring when it comes to your care?

5. Patient Rewards and Incentives: This one is a fun one for us! We offer a referral credit program that can save you on future appointments when you refer friends and family. This applies to each referral you make! We believe that our patients would come back and refer us to their friends and family no matter what! But our incentive program is our way to give a little thanks back to them!

As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into pricing Botox. We don’t feel that Botox is a commodity that should be priced the same as it’s a professional service where the quality of service and results matter.

los angeles botox priceslos angeles botox prices
Botox for smoker’s lines

More Botox Los Angeles before and after pictures

The Truth Unveiled: Botox Safety Exposed

Is Botox safe? Absolutely! Why then all the negative publicity? Because it makes for good drama! It would be boring to talk about the millions and millions of successful, safe, and effective Botox treatments that have occurred around the world since Botox (and Dysport) were first introduced over 20 years ago.

If you do the research yourself, you’ll see that commonly used, over-the-counter aspirin has a much worse safety profile and higher incidence of adverse reactions than Botox Cosmetic®! Surprising, but true.

Is Botox Really Safe? Botox Los Angeles before picture Is Botox Really Safe? Botox Los Angeles before picture

More Botox before and after photos

The Truth about Botox: Safety and Efficacy

Botox Cosmetic® is produced in a strictly-controlled laboratory setting by Allergan, a reputable, global pharmaceutical company. It is a highly-purified protein that when prepared and injected according to the manufacturer’s specifications, is both safe and effective. Since there are not many mass media appeal to these facts, we sometimes hear of severe, adverse reactions to “Botox” that was purchased from sources other than Allergan and used improperly.

In previous reports of adverse reactions to “Botox”, it is used in extremely high doses in immunocompromised children with cerebral palsy. For healthy adults having FDA-approved injections of Botox Cosmetic®, the worst reported adverse reaction has been ptosis—a temporary, completely reversible lowering of the eyebrow or drooping of the eyelid.

There are unsafe Botox practices out there, so what’s the best way to avoid them? Have your injections been done by a reputable, licensed practitioner? Avoid “Botox parties” and “great deals” offered by hair salons, spas, Groupon, and other non-medical entities. Will it cost more? Probably. But your safety and peace of mind are well worth it!

Restylane, Juvederm, and Perlane are names of cosmetic injectable fillers. These products are also known as hyaluronic acid fillers or HA for Hyaluronic Acid, which is a natural substance found in all of our bodies and is responsible for lubricating joints. These products are manufactured in a synthetic form for the use of facial cosmetic enhancement. These fillers work by filling lines, wrinkles, and restoring volume in areas such as the tear trough (the hollows of the eyes), lips, laugh lines, hollows of the cheeks, the chin and jawline, and much more. Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane not only fill areas immediately, but they also attract water to the area over the several weeks after injection.

These products are extremely safe and are used not only by millions in the United States but in other countries as well. They also have a proven safety record with very little risk for allergic reaction which makes HA’s much safer than collagen and silicone.

Read About All Celibre’s Facial Shaping Techniques

Schedule a FREE Restylane consultation with Celibre Medical, celibre.com/contact-list

Restylane los angeles before photo Restylane los angeles after photo
Restylane Injections before and after pictures

At Celibre, we offer Restylane, Juvederm, and Perlane. Restylane & Juvederm are produced by two different manufacturers but have very similar benefits. Both are considered non-permanent and generally last approximately 3-4 months. Although the manufacturer of Juvederm (Allergan) has received FDA approval to state that Juvederm may last up to one full year, most practitioners will tell you that this is not typical. We are pleased with the ease of the product when shaping the face. Perlane is similar to Restylane & Juvederm but is a longer lasting filler. Because Perlane uses larger particles in its product, it is designed for deeper folds and is placed at a different depth within the tissue for optimal results and a natural filling effect.

The use of Restylane, Juvederm and Perlane has increased dramatically over the past several years as consumers discover the value of shaping the face to achieve dramatic improvement in the appearance of folds and wrinkles. When considering treatments, be certain to choose a practitioner that listens to your goals and involves you in the educational process and treatment plan.

To learn more about Celibre injection treatments visit celibre.com/wrinkles or call or e-mail at celibre.com/contact-list.


Lori Ishii Haney, RN, MEP-C
Certified Medical Laser Safety Officer

We’ve all heard the saying, “Too much of a good thing can be bad.” When it comes to Botox injections in your forehead, this is very, very true. Not simply the number of injections into the forehead muscle, but the amount of Botox that’s injected.

Unlike some other areas of the face, where pretty much everyone is safe with the same (or roughly the same), Botox dose, an injector really must know his or her stuff when it comes to treating a forehead. Why? Because very literally, no two are alike!

Your forehead muscle, the frontalis, is a large, horizontal, sheet-like muscle. When it contracts, it pulls your eyebrows up, towards your hairline (think: surprise!!).  Some are more rectangular while others are more “V”-shaped.  Some are very tall (large forehead) while others are short. In addition, everyone has a slightly different contraction pattern of their forehead.  This means that while one person may raise their eyebrows and have a single line across their forehead, someone else can have 10 or more lines when they do the same movement!  When you also factor in gender (muscle mass), ethnicity, age, and each patient’s individual goals for what they want their results to look like, it’s easy to see how treating the forehead with Botox is anything but easy.

Too much Botox on the forehead means a “frozen” look. Some patients like this, and some younger patients may even look good this way! But for many in our late thirties and beyond, a frozen forehead is bad. Our eyebrows naturally lower over time as we get older. This, in turn, pushes our upper eyelid skin down towards our eyes. Many people may even unconsciously raise their eyebrows to help them see better. So, when you take away someone’s ability to look surprised with Botox, it may look bad, or even impair their field of vision!

Too little Botox or poor injection technique can lead to an asymmetric brow raise, “peaked” eyebrows (think Dr. Spock), or lead to a less than optimal result. The only upside to this is that it can be added to and fixed, whereas too much simply has to wear off over time!

too much botox for forehead los angeles


This patient came to Celibre Medical after being injected with 50 units of Botox into her forehead by a physician at another practice. While her forehead lines were gone, her brows and eyelids had an extremely heavy, tired look and she was very unhappy.

At Celibre Medical, our forehead doses of Botox are generally 20 units or less. Again, every forehead is different; some may take more – some less. But the overall goal is to keep the eyebrows in the same position or raise them a bit by using a technique called the Botox Brow lift.  We work with you to give you the smoothing effect you want while providing the most natural, beautiful results possible! View some of our Botox brow lift before and after pictures.

Preparing for Restylane and Juvederm Injections

As with all treatments that involve cosmetic injections, the most likely negative outcome from a Restylane or Juvederm injection (and any treatments involving cosmetic dermal fillers) is the development of bruising. This is not considered an “adverse reaction” – only a common negative side effect.

Avoiding certain supplements or medications ten days prior to dermal injections will help minimize this risk of bruising. However, some prescribed medications should not be stopped until discussed with your physician. The products most commonly responsible for pronounced or delayed bruising are Ibuprofen, Aspirin, (any non-steroidal anti-inflammatories), Ginko Biloba, St. John’s Wort, Fish Oils, and Vitamin E greater than 200 IU per day. The effects from these products and other prescribed medications may last as long as ten days in the body so stopping them the day before will not help avoid the issue. Some patients find value in taking Arnica tablets prior to their Juvederm or Restylane injections. At Celibre, we apply topical Arnica gel following injectable treatments. Diligent use of ice packs is also beneficial in avoiding bruising from dermal injections like Restylane and Juvederm.

There are also certain techniques or areas that make bruising a higher probability and these should be discussed with your injection practitioner. Make certain that your practitioner involves you in the treatment plan to discuss methods of minimizing any potential negative side effects of dermal injections.

Read About All Celibre’s Facial Shaping Techniques

FREE Los Angeles Restylane injections consultation, www.celibre.com/contact-list.

Restylane and Juvederm Injections picture

Los Angeles Restylane before and after pictures at celibre.com

Lori Ishii Haney, RN, MEP-C

Certified Laser Medical Safety Officer

Botox and Dysport (neurotoxins) are the number one cosmetic procedure in the United States today with millions of injections performed yearly. Despite this, many patients like you remain confused or misinformed about what it is and what it does. We’ve put together this at-a-glance page to help you better understand this popular and effective treatment.

Botox (Dysport) is:

  • A drug that has been used safely for several decades. It was first used to treat painful muscle spasms of the neck and back. From there, it became an effective way to treat twitching of the muscle around the eye. Botox was first approved for use in muscle spasms in 1985 and has been used for cosmetic purposes since the mid 1990’s (Dysport was approved in Europe in 1988) .
  • los angeles botox is botox safe after pictureslos angeles botox is botox safe before picturesA highly-purified protein that is reconstituted (or mixed) in saline prior to use for injection. When purchased directly from the manufacturer, Allergan, (the only legal way to do it in the U.S.) an injector can meticulously control the amount of Botox that is given to each patient.
  • An FDA-approved drug that has a better safety record than over-the-counter aspirin.
  • A treatment that can smooth and erase existing lines and wrinkles as well as work preventatively to stop their formation.

Botox is not:

  • A paralytic. Instead, it relaxes the muscle by blocking the neurochemical activity that triggers muscle contraction.
  • An injection procedure that any type of practitioner or facility can or should do. To ensure that you receive the best results that help you look more naturally relaxed, awake and youthful, see an injector who has plenty of knowledge and experience in aesthetic medicine and regularly participates in ongoing training on the latest and safest uses for Botox Cosmetic.
  • A treatment that causes you to look frozen or fake. As you can see from the photos on this page, a patient injected with Botox was able to smooth away a deep line across the forehead effectively while maintaining a natural and pleasing look to the area.

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What’s the difference between Botox and fillers?

Patients ask us often about the difference between Botox Cosmetic and dermal fillers. Consumers hear these names all the time but aren’t sure how the types of products are used or related. Botox Cosmetic and Restylane are brand names of injection products. Botox is in a class of products called neurotoxins and Restylane belongs to another class called dermal fillers. Neurotoxins work to smooth wrinkles by relaxing the muscles that cause them. Dermal fillers help smooth lines and folds by adding volume.

Dermal Fillers

Besides Restylane, there are many other dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane Lyft (Perlane), Voluma, Belotero, Sculptra and more. Although all of these products can provide volume to replace collagen and fatty tissue, they are made of different materials. Hyaluronic acid, which occurs naturally in the body, is the main ingredient in most fillers, while calcium microspheres are the primary ingredient in Radiesse. Dermal fillers made of hyaluronic acid work by attracting water to the injected area. Hyaluronic acid has the ability to absorb 1,000 times it’s weight in water. This water attracting action plumps the skin adding volume where fat and collagen have been lost to the aging process. Dermal fillers add volume and definition to the mouth, cheeks, tear trough area (under the eyes), the laugh lines around the mouth (nasolabial folds), and even to the area around the chin and corners of the mouth.

Botox, Dysport & Xeomin

Botox Cosmetic is a product designed to temporarily relax specific muscles of the face to prevent and resolve lines and wrinkles. Dysport and Xeomin are similar to Botox in that they are also made of Botulinum Toxin Type A. Both are competitors to Botox. All of these products work well to relax the muscle that causes frown lines between the eyebrows (glabella area), the crow’s feet lines at the sides of the eyes and the horizontal wrinkles present above the eyebrows.

Combining Botox and Dermal Fillers

By combining both types of products (Botox or Dysport and Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane, etc.) patients are able to achieve a very natural, appealing outcome. Although Botox, Dysport and Xeomin help to resolve and prevent fine lines and wrinkles, they do not add volume like dermal fillers. Thus the products are complimentary and used in different areas of the face.

Restylane injections for dark circles under the eyes.

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Botox Cosmetic and Dysport are both classified as botulinum type A products that are used for not only cosmetic purposes but medicinal as well. Botox is manufactured by Allergan, and Dysport is produced by Medicis. Both are well-known companies with an excellent reputation for products. Both products have FDA approval for the treatment of glabella (frown) lines for cosmetic indications.

For treatment purposes, the products are quite similar with the only difference being dosing requirements as well as the manufacturing process. Onset, effects, and duration for both are quite similar.

los angeles dysport before and after pictures los angeles dysport before and after pictures

Regardless of which product the patient and practitioner decide upon, healthy competition in this arena is a win-win situation for consumers. This is clearly demonstrated by first-time consumer rebates being offered by Allergan with promotional incentives as well by both companies.

Be sure to discuss your treatment goals and the available options with your practitioner.

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In previous blog articles, we’ve addressed how small amounts of Botox Cosmetic can dramatically improve if not completely resolve the fine lines that develop above the upper lip area – the smoker’s lines.

In addition to Botox injections, use of cosmetic dermal fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane can augment the outer border of the upper lip to minimize the appearance of the lines by adding volume and stretching the skin that has the wrinkles. For deeper wrinkles, injecting a small amount of dermal filler (Restylane or Juvederm) into the actual wrinkles will help fill these areas.

los angeles botox for smoker's lineslos angeles botox for smoker's linesAnother newer technique is to place the Restylane or Juvederm dermal filler product in a horizontal fashion and stretch the skin at the same time.

This does not require much product, produces moderate to dramatic results immediately, and is ideal for those wrinkles that extend farther above the lip.

In many situations, it is a combination of Botox injections with Restylane or Juvederm that create the best solution for resolving smoker’s lines. In some cases it is only by using both Botox and the dermal fillers that we can meet the patient’s goals by re-shaping the mouth through relaxation of the muscles above the lips as well as adding volume and support to the upper lip.

At Celibre Medical, we practice injection techniques that result in a natural and appealing look. Make certain that your practitioner understands and practices the newer Botox and dermal filler techniques and concepts presented here to get the best resolution of your smoker’s lines.

We’ve all been there. You’ve got a big event, get together or a first date coming up and you get a painful, red, raised acne bump in the worst possible spot on your face! You hit panic mode and start piling on the acne treatment gels, rubbing alcohol or anything else you can think of to make it go away! Of course, these only make it look worse.  Instead, consider a  a quick fix that for the next time this happens to you: steroid injections.

Although these injections are not as quick as a magic wand, they contain a medication called Kenalog (triamcinolone) that is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Once injected into the cyst, it usually dramatically improves or resolves altogether in one to two days.

Steroid injections are not preventative for acne – they won’t keep acne from developing. They’re more of an emergency or once-in-awhile intervention. They should only be used on large, painful and inflamed cystic acne lesions. Never on small papules or pustules, and absolutely not on blackheads or whiteheads.

A steroid injection can dramatically clear up an acne cyst quick. Instead of waiting weeks for it to go away, you may just have to wait a couple of days! They aren’t a magic wand, but they really are the next best thing!

We’re sure you’ve heard the expression “the eyes are the window to one’s soul.” At Celibre Medical, we have many patients tell us their eyes are making their soul look a lot older than it feels! We agree! Lines and wrinkling above, between and around the eyes, coupled with the natural downward gravitation of the eyebrows creates an unhappy, heavy and tired appearance our eyes as we age. But there is an answer: Botox and Dysport.

Using Botox (Dysport) in these areas is extremely common; in fact, we’d say these areas are probably the top three on the face where Botox is used. Here’s how Botox (& Dysport) can help each:

Between the Eyes (Glabella)

The medical term for the area between the eyes is the glabella. Beneath the skin in this area are three muscles: two, rectangular-shaped ones that pull the middle part of the brow towards the inner part (one on each side) and a shell-shaped one right in the middle that pulls the inner part of the brow down towards the nose. Known together as the “glabellar complex”, these muscles all contract simultaneously to produce a frown. Go ahead, make your “I don’t approve” face. See the lines that form between your eyebrows? As we get older, these lines tend to stay around…even when we’re not frowning! Another common term for them is “the elevens” since they look like the number itself, permanently etched between your brows. Whatever you call them, these lines make us look angry, sour and older than we feel.

Botox can be selectively injected into these three muscles relaxing them, preventing the proverbial “permanent scowl” from dominating our look. Another benefit? Since these muscles are brow “depressors”, meaning they pull downward on the brows, when relaxed, the brow elevator muscle works unopposed (think tug-of-war). The result is a brow lift without the surgery! The standard dose for the glabella is around 20 units.

Above the Eyes (Forehead)

Remember the brow “elevator” muscle we talked about above? That muscle is called frontalis and it is a large, sheet-like muscle that spans the length and width of the forehead. Frontalis is a tricky muscle because no two are exactly alike! Some are slightly V-shaped, while others are more rectangular. Some are narrow and others are wide. Why does all this matter? Because it can affect how your forehead lines look when you raise up your brows. It takes an experienced and skillful injector to understand the right dose of Botox for this muscle. Too much can mean your eyebrows drop (think Cro-Magnon brow). Too little or not enough to treat the whole muscle can mean uneven brows or “Dr. Spock” brows which just looks bad. The right dose (combined with proper treatment of the glabella) should leave your forehead smooth and your brows even and lifted, all at the same time.

For these reasons, there is no one, standard dose of Botox in this muscle. It may range from 10 to 20 units depending on your gender, the size and shape of your frontalis muscle and how strongly it contracts (single horizontal line or several).

Outer Eye (Crow’s Feet)

This last area is one that is different for everyone as well. Some people have pronounced lines that radiate outward from the edge of the eye when they squint or smile, while others may have hardly nothing at all. The reason Crow’s feet happen is from the contraction of a purse string-like muscle around the eye known as the orbicularis oculi. Treating orbicularis with Botox relaxes it, dramatically smoothing the skin around the eye both at rest and when smiling and squinting. The orbicularis oculi also pull down on the outer edge of the eyebrow so, if you remember about that downward/upward tug-of-war we talked about with the glabella, treating the crow’s feet can also lift the outer edge of the brow and eyelid which helps to open up the eye. Again, there is no one, single dose that works for everyone, but generally 10 to 15 units is standard.

Don’t think Botox can’t be used anywhere in the lower face as there are a few places where it can be helpful. But, far and away, using Botox in the glabella, forehead and outer eye is its bread and butter. When done right, Botox can lift and shape your brows, open up your eyes and give you a younger, more relaxed and refreshed appearance.


* Botox Before and After Pictures

It’s hard to imagine anything that involves a needle not hurting, but surprisingly, most patients tell us that having cosmetic injections really isn’t all that bad! However, we feel it’s important to discuss the fact that pain is very subjective and so some patients will be more sensitive to cosmetic injections than others. Everyone feels pain differently; what one-person thinks is minor pain may be quite uncomfortable for someone else.

At Celibre Medical, we never assume that injections aren’t painful. We talk to you about your pain tolerance before your injections and will make every effort to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible in our office before we begin. We have many options for those of you who fear injections or are stressed out by the thought of having them.

Botox and Dysport Injections

The size of the needle that is used for these injections is the smallest available! While that doesn’t mean it’s painless, it does mean that the pain from the needle is minimized. If that still doesn’t make you feel more confident about tolerating Botox or Dysport injections, then we usually offer an ice pack to gently numb the area prior to injection as this usually does the trick. We will warn you though that many people feel that the ice pack is more uncomfortable than the needle itself!

Dermal Filler Injections

These are a bit different than Botox or Dysport injections. The needles that are used are still very small, but the product itself is what people tend to describe as painful. Compared to Botox, dermal fillers are stiff, thick gels, so as they’re injected, they disrupt and move the skin tissue which means that you’ll feel it more as compared to Botox.

With that said, we do have several ways that we decrease the discomfort of dermal filler injections. The first is topical numbing cream. There are many different formulations, but Celibre Medical uses one that is particularly effective at numbing the skin. This helps you not feel the “prick” of the needle so much. We can also use ice packs before your injections. This also helps to numb the skin’s surface and a bit more of the deeper layers of skin as well. Lastly, we use dermal filler products that contain a small amount of lidocaine, an anesthetic. Much like what you get at the dentist office, lidocaine can give a deep, regional anesthesia which helps you not really feel much at all other than pressure once the filler injections get going.

One last note: remember that where you get your dermal filler injections will play into how much they hurt. Having filler placed deeply in your cheeks hurts a whole lot less than having your lips injected. Different areas have different sensitivities. And sometimes no matter what we do to numb beforehand, you may have some discomfort with dermal filler in a highly sensitive area like the lips and around the mouth.

We strive to make your treatments as comfortable as possible and we take the time to make sure that we are fulfilling that responsibility with each and every treatment.


los angeles restylane for dark circles before photo los angeles restylane for dark circles after photo

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When patients come to us to talk about dermal filler injections, they’re often worried about side effects. It’s understandable as there are several side effects that can occur following these types of procedures. However, most patients are surprised to learn that the most common side effect after injections is bruising.

There are several factors that play into whether you bruise following injections of products such as Restylane, Juvederm, Radiesse and Sculptra. Here are a few that are out of your control: your age, your underlying health conditions and your propensity to bruise.

There are a few more factors that depend on what your goals for treatment. The area around the mouth and the lips tend to bruise more easily than the temples or cheeks. The specific product used, where it is being injected and how deeply it’s injected can all affect whether or not you bruise following your treatment. Discuss these specific, individualized risks with our injectors prior to your treatment day so that you’re not caught off guard.

Lastly, there are several things that you can do before your injection day to minimize your risk of bruising. Avoiding these for the specified amount of time can lower your risk:

  • No alcohol 24 hours before
  • Stop vitamin E and fish oil supplements 7 days before
  • Stop baby aspirin (if taking electively) 7 days before

Despite the best laid plans, bruises may still happen after dermal filler injections. However, our office conveniently provides laser treatment of bruising to help it go away faster should it occur. Lasers help break up the bruise so that your body can heal more quickly. The photos below show a patient with a bruise who was treated with our long-pulsed YAG laser and the result two days later.

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Are you thinking about plumping your lips, but are deathly afraid of looking like those silly, duck-lipped celebrities. We understand.  At Celibre Medical, we want you to be 100% confident and comfortable with your decision to have lip filler. This is why we’ve compiled a set of before and after photos of real-life patients who want natural looking results – just like you!

Take a look through our photos and know that your goals are the same as ours: fuller, plumper, kissable lips that are totally yours, but better! We want you to look like you—not a fake-looking celebrity. These pictures illustrate the skill and artistry of our lip injectors. Lip filler treatments are a highly individualized procedure that can be tailored to perfectly fit your needs.

Lip injections do not follow a cookie cutter approach and can provide volume, correct asymmetry, better define your lip borders, or accentuate cupid’s bow (the little arch in the middle of your upper lip). Our injectors work diligently to ensure that your filler looks natural, soft and pleasing and that your lips enhance your overall beauty and don’t become an unwanted or unnatural looking focal point.

Restylane to Improve Smoker’s Lines Before and After Juvederm

Adding Body and Volume to Upper and Lower Lips with Restylane

Smoothing and Plumping Lips Before and After Restylane

Correcting Lip Symmetry Before and After Restylane

Creating Philtral Columns Before and After Juvederm

Defining Lip Borders Before and After Juvederm

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If injecting dermal fillers was easy, then everyone who’s had filler treatment would look natural, age appropriate and well proportioned, right? In other words, “bad filler” wouldn’t exist. Sadly, that’s not the case. The reason is because it takes a great deal of knowledge and skill to get filler injections right—and still, not everyone who has both can do it well!

We cringe too when we see overly filled, duck-bill-looking lips. While we know there is a small, small minority of people out there who actually WANT that look, the rest of us interested in having lip filler definitely do not! Soft, natural and proportionate results are attainable with any of the dermal filler products – Restylane, Restylane Lyft, and Juvederm. The key isn’t so much the product as it is the skill and aesthetic eye of the person holding the syringe. There are certainly products that are better suited for lip injections, just as there are ones for cheeks, temples, etc. A knowledgeable, well-trained and highly skilled injector knows this, as well as how to gauge which is better suited for you based on your goals and individual features.

Lori Ishii Haney RN is an example of this type of injector. She’s been injecting at Celibre Medical since 2006. She views dermal filler injections as both a science and an art and she’s mastered both aspects of her practice. With her help, you can have your best lips without the fear of looking “filled”. Her years of experience have honed her aesthetic eye and equipped her with the tips and tricks to making you feel comfortable and at ease during your treatment. If you’re looking for an expert injector, then look no further!

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    5 star ratingLove love love the services and staff at Celibre! I've referred several friends and family. Nurse Lori is a true artist and beyond knowledgeable when it comes to her craft.
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    5 star ratingBest of the Best! I've been a patient at Celibre for over 10 years now, and even after I moved hours away, I still only trust the staff here to take care of me. They're all patient, friendly, and extremely knowledgeable. They keep detailed records of all your treatments and are careful about listening so you get the results you want while still looking natural. Nurse Lori has been my main provider for so long now, and she's been so sweet that I consider her a friend. Both Kevin and Lori are excellent, so you're in good hands with whoever you choose.

    I've had laser treatments, dysport, and fillers. I'm in my 40's now, but people assume I'm in my 20's or 30's. Their products are great too. They can recommend what works for your particular skin and age.
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  • 5 star ratingI have been using products from Celibre to treat my melasma for many years now. It is the only place I have found to really improve my melasma. I would be wearing so much makeup if I had never found this place. Before using their products I was trying to color correct my dark spots using colored concealers, sponging my makeup on super thick to counteract the pigment of the dark spots.
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    Sara V. Avatar
    Sara V.
    5 star ratingLori is Amazing. She explains things so well. She cares and listens to what your needs are. Thanks Lori as always for your amazing artistry!
    Dana V. Avatar
    Dana V.
    5 star ratingI needed to lighten my dark spots before my daughter's wedding along with few other cosmetic enhancement. So I started to research on medical spa...I'm asian and I needed someone who is familiar with asian skin since our skin has a different effect of pigmentation. After I talked to several places, I decided to give this place a go. I met RN. Kevin DiCerbo there...I have lots of questions and he answered with detail explanations. His answers were direct and honest and he'll tell you what works and what doesn't. And I really really appreciated that unlike other places I visited before who sold me the services which didn't work.
    My laser dark spots removal was amazing! I never thought I could get rid of those dark spots in 2 treatments! I wish I've come here 10 years ago! When I emailed several questions after my treatment he always answered me right away. The communications were really good! All the office stuffs are so kind and helpful! I'll look no further for my future treatment!!
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    Keiko C. Avatar
    Keiko C.
  • 5 star ratingLori is not just my skin specialist, she has become a trusted friend over the many years I have been going to see her. She is so gentle and kind when she does the botox and filler and restylane treatments. I always go home happy and feeling good about the improvements she makes on my face. I'm in my 70's and I always get compliments from people who believe I'm much younger. I honestly believe I have her to thank for that. I will go to her for the rest of my life. She is very talented and knows exactly what to do to make anyone look younger and fresher looking as well.
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    Linda M. Avatar
    Linda M.
    5 star ratingLori was so knowledgeable and accommodating! She suggested a non surgical brow lift and it did wonders to help my eyes look symmetrical without surgery! Going in for my next round today!!
    Cristen F. Avatar
    Cristen F.
    5 star ratingThank you to all the Celibre Medical staff for always making me feel welcomed. I've been coming to this facility for over five years, and all I can say is their service is unbeatable & the treatment you will receive is unmatched. Dara, you will be missed, but I know that you will enjoy your new journey. Thanks for constantly following up with me & im sure the entire Celibre team appreciates your hard work and dedication, especially during Covid. You rock & Lori is AMAZING :). Thanks
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    Darius T. Avatar
    Darius T.
  • 5 star ratingI was pleased about my first visitation. Kevin, the director was very professional, he explained and answered all my concerns, he suggested the phase in detail of each step, and also I was very comfortable with the staff assistant, she was very nice.
    Yuka M. Avatar
    Yuka M.
    5 star ratingI have been going to Lori at Celibre for years. I consider her an artist in her approach to fillers, botox and lasers. Her approach is to refresh, brighten and address any areas of concern. I prefer a more natural enhancement which is always the result I get.

    Everyone in their office is kind and professional. Kevin is also great to work with.

    Celibre only uses products they believe in and that offer the best results for the cost.

    I would recommend Celibre to everyone who wants a safe environment with professional highly trained people.
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    Debbie S. Avatar
    Debbie S.
    5 star ratingFor as long as I can remember my Dad has been the sunshine of my life. There was never anything too large or too small that this man wouldn't make possible for his daughter. (Colgate smile* waves*) So naturally when I started looking into preventative aging treatment I instantly thought of my father who has always looked years younger then his true age. Look there is no escaping... We are all going to get older, but there is so many treatments that can and will help the process without turning your face into a CAT. Lol

    Laurie, Nurse Kevin. You guys are the magicians of your trade. This place has integrity... and strives to "keep them guessing"

    And I will forever promote for you both, because it's amazing how well you know your craft without changing the natural beauty of someone.

    I appreciate & love you both.
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    Jen O. Avatar
    Jen O.
  • 5 star ratingCustomer service- clarifying conversations- the desired results! These are some of the proficiencies you'll encounter with these skilled professionals. They helped my skin and heart.
    Laila R. Avatar
    Laila R.
    5 star ratingLori is absolutely remarkable. She works miracles on my look. When I leave I look 10 yrs younger and it's a natural look! Roxanne
    roxanne w. Avatar
    roxanne w.
    5 star ratingI've been going to Celibre and getting treatments from Lori for over 10 years now. I've had dysport, fillers, and now laser treatments. Obviously, I'm extremely happy with the results and can honestly say I love everything she's done for me. I'm in my 40's now but don't look it at all. I look like I've aged backwards. I'm glad I started when I did because it really is preventative of future aging.

    Everyone there is kind, polite, honest, and informative. Lori has a way of working with your own look so your outcome is personalized and natural. She has a keen eye and is an expert at her craft.

    Kevin is great too. He took care of me once when I had a spontaneous mini vacation and Lori was out of the office. It's nice to know I can trust everyone there on their expertise.

    Definitely recommend! Seriously, it's sooo worth the investment to look and feel this great when I look in the mirror. When everyone around me has appeared to age while I stay young, I jokingly say I'm an Aztec vampire.
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    Lucy L. Avatar
    Lucy L.
  • 5 star ratingI just recently had the profractional laser done at Celibre in December. It has literally shaved 10 years off of my appearance. My skin is brighter, the texture is so much better, my pores are smaller, the sun damage is almost non-existent, my melasma got better and I was scared that it would get worse because that can happen from the laser. And Celibre told me that it was a possibility, but luckily it did not. It did require some time off but again it wasn't anything that wasn't explained to me by Celibre. They answered all my questions and went over everything in detail. That's another thing that I love about Celibre. You never feel rushed or like you can't have any and all of your questions asked. They always make you feel like the star of the show and I appreciate that. Celibre is the BEST place to go to for fillers, botox, or lasers. I get all of my procedures done there and wouldn't go anywhere else. I even commute from Orange County because they are that good! Celibre keeps your budget and your goals both in mind when helping you pick your procedures. I love Kevin, and Lori, and all of the girls in the front desk. They are not snooty whatsoever and again always make you feel special. I CAN'T BE MORE CLEAR ABOUT THIS, IF YOU GET BOTOX, LASERS, OR FILLERS GO TO CELIBRE!!!!! THEY SET THE BAR! THEY ARE THE BAR! THEY ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY I PROMISE!!!!!!!!! I LOVE CELIBRE!
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    Dannie A. Avatar
    Dannie A.
    5 star ratingI highly recommend Lori for any skin concerns or treatments that Celibre offers! She took the time to listen to my concerns and gave me honest feedback. I came in for hyperpigmentation that I've had for years and I couldn't find a place that could help me solve the issue. Lori provided a treatment that has pretty much gotten rid of my hyperpigmentation after the first treatment and I couldn't be more excited! I'll definitely be returning for future treatments! Thank you Lori!
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    R V. Avatar
    R V.
    5 star ratingI normally do not write reviews but I have to say that Celibre is the best. The office staff is always welcoming. Lori Haney is an artist. I have been going to her for probably at least 6 years. She is honest and I trust her to tell me her opinion about what procedures are best for me and understands that I want a natural, fresher look. I always walk out feeling better than when I walked in. Kevin is equally honest and a true professional.

    They are always on top of any discounts or specials available. I have recommended Celibre to friends and no one has been disappointed.
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    Debbie S. Avatar
    Debbie S.
  • 5 star ratingI am so impressed with the service and quality from Celibre. I drive an hour for injections from Lori Haney. She is the best and is highly knowledgeable. I'm very happy with my results!
    Thank you Lori.
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    Robyn W. Avatar
    Robyn W.
    5 star ratingThe staff here are very welcoming and informative! I'm the type to ask to ask questions on anything new I am trying for the first time and I have to say that every question I asked was answered with a honest and well informed answer which definitely made my decision to get dysport for the first time that much easier. Kevin was very informative, he listened to my concerns and gave great feedback and did a excellent job on the areas that I got dysport.
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    Angilina M. Avatar
    Angilina M.
    5 star ratingThank you Celibre for making me feels so much better! Lori is a miracle worker! Fine lines so improved and frown lines way better. Thanks for the boost in my confidence
    roxanne w. Avatar
    roxanne w.
  • 5 star ratingAlthough I'm new fairly new to Celibre, I've been very pleased with the service so far. Honesty is very important to me and Kevin DiCerbo has made sure to keep it 100% about what I can expect based on the procedure that I'm having. He takes the time to explain the process and why he recommends one approach versus another. Unlike other places, it makes me feel like he's not just trying to take my money. Kevin actually cares about his clients. Most recently, my teenage son was struggling with an insecurity and after taking him to Kevin he feels much more confident and that makes me happy. If you haven't done so already, please give Celibre a try! You will not be disappointed.
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    Anna C. Avatar
    Anna C.
    5 star ratingI loooove how the Celibre's staff is so knowledgeable in facial construction, symmetry & features and don't focus just on huge fake duck lips and SPOC eyebrows like everyone else in LA (unless this is what you want I'm sure they can cater to you also ) !! I always look so refreshed and natural , not like my face is frozen or aerodynamic (my way of describing when fillers and Botox goes bad, especially in the eyebrow area) I'm in my 40's and I looked for a place that knew what they were doing not something randomly off Instagram or Groupon !!! But I must say, Nurse Lori won me with all her educational and Informative instagram posts !!!
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    LadyLoops L. Avatar
    LadyLoops L.
    5 star ratingBeen here several times for laser tattoo removal with Kevin. Face tattoos are painful to remove. Kevin's communication with you throughout the procedure makes it much more tolerable. Thanks Kevin. 5 stars.
    Timothy J. Avatar
    Timothy J.
  • 4 star ratingCalled for a consultation and spoke with Kevin I told him I was interested in my smile lines so he booked me a consultation for the next day at 9am, I went in I was greeted by name by the receptionist she had me feel out a few forms and took me right back, they took before pics I spoke with Kevin as soon as I got there he answered all my questions, showed me examples the whole nine. He even recommended medication for my acne scars instead of just doing another treatment I didn't need so far I am happy with them and will be returning. They also accept care credit and Alpheon credit to free interest for 6 months
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    Sheena S. Avatar
    Sheena S.
    5 star ratingI cannot say enough great things about this place. The front desk staff are super personable, nice and welcoming. Kevin DiCerbo has been helping me since I moved to South Bay since about a year ago.
    I highly recommend them for any of your cosmetic facial needs!
    Mr. DiCerbo is super informative and didn't mind me asking him a ton of questions about various procedures that am considering in the future! He took the time and was not bothered at all.
    They have a patient for life with me.
    So happy I found them!
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    Amber W. Avatar
    Amber W.
    5 star ratingI was referred to Celibre by a friend and was not disappointed. The office is clean, open and had great music playing. Front office staff was super welcoming. Lori was knowledgeable, sweet and answered all my questions before I had my treatment. I felt like she had my best interest and for a first time customer felt like I've been seeing her for years. I will be going back and referring Celibre and Lori to all my friends and family!!
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    Lauren C. Avatar
    Lauren C.
  • 5 star ratingAwesome Staff and love the laser hair removable service... best thing I've done so far!!!
    Jackie A. Avatar
    Jackie A.
    5 star ratingOmg !!! What to say... I have a birthmark on my face and tried my whole life to get rid of it. No doctor could until Kevin !! I first called to ask some questions, he was so clear about everything, about what to expect, when the results would appear etc...
    I had my first Laser session 12/26 and I will need around 5 to 10 session... I already wear less makeup. I am so glad ! Thank you !!!
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    Coco C. Avatar
    Coco C.
    Went in to have some small skin tags removed as well as have some botox injected into my forehead...I didn't realize what a little touch up could do. The quick treatment literally peeled away years off of my appearance. Highly recommend going here for a customized treatment plan that will get you results.
    Jake Haney Avatar
    Jake Haney
  • 5 star ratingWhat an amazing experience!!! Not only did I love my results (which can we be honest, that's why we are all here) but Lori was so full of knowledge, walking me through each step! Don't have one negative about my experience.
    Faith P. Avatar
    Faith P.
    5 star ratingVery professional and patient! They will educate you, and answer all of your questions.
    Wendy R. Avatar
    Wendy R.
    5 star ratingI had gone to Celibre 10 years ago and had a great experience- so I decided to go back and have Lori (who I had before) do my injecting of Restlylane and Dysport. She is INCREDIBLE!! She is kind, gentle (important!) caring, explains everything beforehand...all around a beautiful person who loves to help people and loves her career! For having needles stuck in my face--it was a GREAT experience! I had to come back for a touch up and she took care of it for no charge! If you are nervous- don't be, you'll be fine with Lori!
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    Andrea O. Avatar
    Andrea O.
  • 5 star ratingI had gone to Celibre 10 years ago and had a great experience- so I decided to go back and have Lori (who I had before) do my injecting of Restlylane and Dysport. She is INCREDIBLE!! She is kind, gentle (important!) caring, explains everything beforehand...all around a beautiful person who loves to help people and loves her career! For having needles stuck in my face--it was a GREAT experience! I had to come back for a touch up and she took care of it for no charge! If you are nervous- don't be, you'll be fine with Lori!
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    Andrea O. Avatar
    Andrea O.
    5 star ratingVery clean, kind friendly staff, provided me with a lot of preliminary information. I had a lot of questions and Kevin took his time in answering them all.
    Sarah D. Avatar
    Sarah D.
    5 star ratingLori is an angel from heaven. I mean it!!

    I am a first time injector and was relatively nervous about it. I am in my twenties and wanted to enhance my appearance in a subtle way. I was referred to Lori by my facialist and she looks amazing so I thought let's do it!

    I went with my sister and best friend and we did a combined appointment. Lori made us all feel so special! We asked her to give us her honest opinion of what we needed and she did in a kind and friendly way! She did not try to up-sell us and was realistic about our goals.

    Lori is a master injector and I would trust her with my face completely. She is sooo warm, friendly and easy to talk to! I love my lips and facial filler and I will be back! I want to go back like tomorrow, lol. Thanks Lori!!
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    Erin M. Avatar
    Erin M.
  • 5 star ratingLori is an angel from heaven. I mean it!!

    I am a first time injector and was relatively nervous about it. I am in my twenties and wanted to enhance my appearance in a subtle way. I was referred to Lori by my facialist and she looks amazing so I thought let's do it!

    I went with my sister and best friend and we did a combined appointment. Lori made us all feel so special! We asked her to give us her honest opinion of what we needed and she did in a kind and friendly way! She did not try to up-sell us and was realistic about our goals.

    Lori is a master injector and I would trust her with my face completely. She is sooo warm, friendly and easy to talk to! I love my lips and facial filler and I will be back! I want to go back like tomorrow, lol. Thanks Lori!!
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    Erin M. Avatar
    Erin M.
    4 star ratingI had a great experience here. The staff is very friendly and welcoming. Nurse Kevin used Restylane to fill under my eyes to help reduce the bags and fat pads that made me look tired. Kevin used a little over 1 vial of Restylane between both of my eyes and made sure I was happy with the final result before I left.

    My eyes look much more rested and my dark lines and bags under my eyes look much better. I have a little bruising and tenderness which is to be expected with this delicate area.

    Kevin was very helpful and professional. He also recommended I make an account on Galderma's website for an additional savings on top of the groupon price.

    The only concern I had was that there is not a doctor or nurse practitioner on site. I had a quick video call with a nurse practitioner who asked me a few questions to clear me for the procedure. Fortunately, the nurses seem more than capable of administering the fillers appropriately. I would recommend Kevin if you're looking for a fast and affordable way to look refreshed.
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    Tiffany C. Avatar
    Tiffany C.
    5 star ratingStars to the moon for this wonderful place. Talk about an educated and highly skilled staff. I was beyond satisfied with my experience here. Came after after diligent research on a laser they offer . Lori went above and beyond to educate and inform in a way no other medical professional has. She has a lovely bedside manner and made my experience as comfortable as possible. Rest assured you are in good hands if booking an appt. can't wait to see the final results.
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    Nikki N. Avatar
    Nikki N.
  • 5 star ratingI love this place and the people that work here. Lori is the BEST! She takes the time to explain the benefits and risks of all of the lasers and injectables, helping me find a plan within my budget...the most bang for my buck. Not every procedure has had the "wow" desired effect I wanted, but they warned me that it may not be as effective as I hoped. They have always gone above and beyond to make things right. We all go because we want to look and feel better & there's no one I trust more than Lori to help keep me looking my best.
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    Rilee S. Avatar
    Rilee S.
    5 star ratingI called to ask for information. Very pleasant experience, not put in hold, very helpful and not pushy about making an appt. Got all of my questions answered
    Esther L. Avatar
    Esther L.
    5 star ratingThe wait is finally over! I've been searching for a great place to help me take care of my skin and fight ageing and all that good stuff. This is it and it's local (no more schlepping to Beverly Hills!).

    The space is beautiful... light, airy and spotless. The wait times are non existent and their approach is professional. Nurse Lori approaches your face as an artist. She takes note of how you use your face while having your consult. She listens to your concerns and offers realistic approaches toward addressing them. The result is very natural.

    Kevin has a wonderful approach as well and sets realistic expectations on what to expect after a laser session.

    I could not be happier with Celibre. I found their pricing competitive but their skill level was top notch!
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    Colleen B. Avatar
    Colleen B.
  • 5 star ratingGreat service and results. Lori was great at getting the look I wanted.
    Anita K. Avatar
    Anita K.
    5 star ratingI am blown away. The Office is lovely, the receptionist super nice, even the owners is hot, but really it's Lori. WOW. She knows her stuff. I told her all my concerns and she was able to do ONE procedure that fixed everything that was bothering me. This is SKILL. She is excellent at looking at your "whole face" and really able to address your needs affectively. For example, I thought I needed voluma in my face and thanks to Lori and her knowledge I got restalyn silk underneath my eyes and fixed my problem. Plus it was way cheaper than the treatment I thought I needed! I literally could not be happier! I have been doing fillers for years and I am saying will never go to anyone else again. Doesn't get much better. Thank you Lori!!!!
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    Meredith J. Avatar
    Meredith J.
    5 star ratingI had an amazing experience there. After going back and forth with one of the owners, Kevin, to make sure they could remove botched permanent eyeliner, I booked an appointment. I went and saw Lori, who was very professional and sweet at the same time.
    She did a fantastic job. I also bought 5ml of Latisse there and asked her to look at my face and provide recommendations, which she did. I got a treatment there based on her recommendation and was very happy with it.
    I highly recommend this place! I've gone to other places and it is worth it to pay for quality, after all, you end up paying so much more if you don't and it's your face after all. Look at what I had to do to fix this botched permanent eyeliner!
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    Sandra C. Avatar
    Sandra C.