How Do I Get Rid of the Wrinkle(s) Between My Eyebrows?

Some people have one while others have two, but no matter how many you have, one thing’s for sure: no one likes wrinkles between their eyebrows! Commonly referred to as “11s” (if you’ve got two), these wrinkles are the result of repeated contractions of three different muscle groups between the eyes. They’re typically active with facial expressions like frowning, concentrating or squinting. Over time, they become “hyperactive” and pull the inner part of your eyebrow downward and inward, deepening the lines in the middle.

Botox and Dysport are perfect for these pesky lines. By selectively relaxing these muscles, we can subtly smooth them away and give you a natural, relaxed appearance. Most people also find that Botox (Dysport) in this area helps to lift their inner brows a bit, helping them look more alert and awake.

And if the lines between your brows don’t completely go away with Botox alone, then we can carefully place a small amount of dermal filler like Restylane or Juvederm there to help plump and smooth more stubborn lines between the brows. For someone with deeper creases, the combination of these two treatments can literally transform their appearance.

botox los angeles for frown lines before and after photos botox los angeles for frown lines before and after photos

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At Celibre Medical, we firmly believe that oral or topical antibiotics and other medications may be a valuable component of most acne treatment programs. However, we would like to suggest that these medications (oral antibiotics specifically) are often over-used and do not address some of the underlying causes of acne. Because of this, the acne will most likely return when the patient discontinues the antibiotics.

Current research indicates that the bacteria responsible for acne (P. acnes) are now becoming increasingly resistant to many of the mainstay acne antibiotics available. This is also true with many other bacteria that cause disease and illness. Besides this sobering reality, oral antibiotics for acne have systemic (whole body) side effects as well.

laser acne treatments before and after pictures los angeles laser acne treatments before and after pictures los angeles

Our patients often come to us after being placed on acne antibiotics for months (sometimes over a year consecutively) without any monitoring of their treatment plan or providing other acne treatment options that don’t involve long-term use of antibiotics. At Celibre, we believe that oral antibiotics should be implemented as needed when an acne patient would benefit from a systemic effect. However, the goal is to make this a short course of action to compliment the acne laser treatments or photo-dynamic therapy.

By using class IV medical lasers, we treat one of the root causes of acne – the sebaceous (or oil) glands. By combining lasers or photo-dynamic therapy with a good skin care regimen, we are able to effectively treat and control acne, a condition that has no cure. Because acne lasers or Photo-dynamic therapy are safe for almost all patients, these provide a good option to those that are looking for a better way that doesn’t involve long-term acne antibiotic use.

If you’re a peri or postmenopausal woman, you may have heard the term “vaginal rejuvenation”. You’ve entered the next phase of womanhood and are probably experiencing a host of changes to your body—some more welcome than others! One of the problems that we hear most often about at Celibre Medical is the change in the appearance of the skin around the vagina. These folds of skin or “lips” as they’re referred to are called the labia majora.

There are three, distinct changes that can happen to the labia majora during and around the time of menopause: changes in texture, change in volume and change in color. Our vaginal rejuvenation program consists of specific interventions that can correct or reverse these changes.

Texture: Around the time of menopause, many woman notice a textural change of the skin of their labia majora. Due to decreasing or a lack of hormonal stimulation, you may notice this tissue “shrinks” and “shrivels” a bit. We can use our Sciton Profractional laser to stimulate the development of more collagen in your area. This helps it look smoother, fuller and more supple once. We typically recommend you have 2 to 3 treatments at close to monthly intervals.

Volume: The changes discussed in the above section can not only affect the texture of your skin, but also the volume of labia as well. Loss of tissue volume can cause the labia to look flat, saggy, and may even make wearing certain clothing, like pants, painful or uncomfortable. For this issue, we can inject hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers like Restylane Lyft into the labia. This product works very well to restore volume as it powerfully attracts and absorbs water. This treatment may also improve the skin quality of the area, so it often works hand-in-hand with resurfacing and enhances your overall result. The results usually last anywhere from 6 to 12 months.

Color: If the skin on your labia has darkened over time, we can help correct this using either topical skin-lightening creams (8% hydroquinone) or q-switched lasers which targets excess melanin (skin pigment). The length of time and/or number of treatments that you’ll need can vary based on the amount of lightening you need and the size of the area that’s treated.

Again, it’s important to mention that while these changes are normal, they can be worrisome and affect your confidence and desire for intimacy. If you’re suffering with these changes, you don’t have to simply accept them. There are effective, safe solutions for you that really work!


If you’re interested in Vaginal Rejuvenation, call today for more information

By now, most patients like you understand how important it is to wear sunscreen. Even though most wear sunscreen, we’re often surprised to learn that very few understand how to wear sunscreen effectively!

We spend time with our patients telling them about the importance of effectively using sunscreen for skin health.  First, we discuss SPF (Sun Protection Factor). An SPF of 30 is sufficient for many and any SPF higher than 50 offers little added protection.

In addition to SPF, how you apply and how often you apply your sunscreen is important.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Use a liberal amount of sunscreen. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that the average adult use 1 ounce (the size of a shot glass) to cover all exposed areas of skin. Most people simply use too little sunscreen for it to work properly.
  1. Apply your sunscreen before you go outdoors—preferably about 15 minutes prior to allow it to absorb into the skin. Applying right before you sweat or get in the water can make it less effective.
  1. If you plan on swimming or sweating it is super important to make sure that your sunscreen is water/sweat resistant. Choose an appropriate product for your activity and reapply your sunscreen often if you’re sweating or swimming extensively.
  1. Always reapply sunscreen every two hours. Even if you feel that you are not burning, re-apply. If you feel sunburned, then it’s too late! Your skin has been damaged at that point. As mentioned above, reapply more frequently after extensive time in the water or excessive sweating.
  1. Use an oil-free sunscreen if you are prone to facial and/or body acne. Ingredients matter, so always check before you apply.
  1. Damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation is present on cloudy and sunny days. Always apply sunscreen for any outdoor activity, even if the sun isn’t shining. This includes time in the car, as UV passes thru glass and hits your skin.

Lastly, remember to apply sunscreen to more than your face. Protect your scalp, ears, neck, chest, forearms and hands as they are often forgotten in your morning routine. Poikiloderma is a common cosmetic problem of red and brown discoloration to these areas due to chronic exposure to the damaging rays of the sun.

long beach california age spot removal before and after pictureslong beach california age spot removal before and after pictures
Age spot removal before and after pictures

Do you have Rosacea?  Redness, irritation, flaking and pimples well past your mid-twenties?  While you may know about the facial redness that goes along with Rosacea, maybe you weren’t aware that these other symptoms can be caused by it too? While treatments can certainly keep Rosacea under control, unfortunately it can be chronic and has no known cure.  Read on to learn more and find out how pulsed dye lasers can help you.

los angeles laser rosacea treatment before and after photoslos angeles laser rosacea treatment before and after photosRosacea involves chronic skin inflammation. This inflammation over time stimulates the small blood vessels in your cheeks, nose and chin to become enlarged. These blood vessels, called telangectasias (small capillaries), are what causes the redness of your rosacea. These small blood vessels can often be accompanied by burning, flaking and pimple like eruptions. If this process goes unchecked for a long time, the chronic irritation can cause permanent changes in skin texture. This can also change the appearance of our nose, making it look larger, bulbous, and swollen. This is called rhinophyma.

Why people get Rosacea is still a mystery. We believe that there are several factors at play: genetics, environmental exposure, stress and an imbalance of otherwise normal bacteria living on your skin. While you can’t change your genes, you can control some of the Rosacea triggers. Proper skincare products, sun protection and avoidance of foods (spicy, etc.) and beverages (alcohol, hot drinks, etc.) that trigger flare ups can help keep it under better control.

At Celibre Medical, we help you understand your Rosacea better.  In addition to helping you understand those triggers that cause Rosacea flares, we use FDA-approved pulsed dye lasers to diminish the appearance of redness and small blood vessels.  This not only helps with your appearance but can slow down the development of the condition.

No, we can’t cure Rosacea. But with proper care, we can help you can gain control over it. Contact us today to learn more about controlling your Rosacea.

While your eyes may be the window to your soul, they can also give away your age. The eyelid skin is extremely delicate, and unfortunately, after years of gravity, sun exposure, facial expressions, contact lenses and just about everything else we do, it can easily wrinkle, sag and lose firmness. When you couple this with the other age related changes that occur around the eyes such as increased hollowness of the upper lid and fullness or “bags” below, your eyes can become more of an “eye sore” than the focal point of your face!

Rest assured, there are things that we can do to help reverse the signs of aging eyes! Since the aging process frequently involves more than one eye structure, rejuvenation can also require more than one type of treatment to help you look your best. Here’s an example of a patient with typical aging around the eyes. She needed more than one treatment to achieve her goals, so we combined three treatments for a better outcome.

First, we used Dysport (Botox) in her crow’s feet. Smiling, talking and squinting are all culprits involved in the formation of crow’s feet—those fine lines at the outside corner of your eyes. Dysport relaxes the muscle beneath the skin, smoothing it while still allowing natural facial expression.

Next, we addressed the changes in her eyelid skin. We used fractional laser resurfacing (Sciton Profractional) to erase the finer surface lines and wrinkles, tighten and firm by stimulating collagen and improve the overall skin tone.

Finally, we used Restylane dermal filler injections to correct some of the volume loss under her eyes. Specifically, we treated the lower eyelid “tear trough” area between the lower eyelid and the cheekbone. This helped smooth the area and fill it in, giving her back a more youthful, rested look.

Eye rejuvenation can be tricky. Aging in this part of the face is usually multifaceted and so treatment should be the same. Discussing your eye rejuvenation goals with an experienced practitioner who has an in-depth knowledge of how to treat age-related changes around the eye and the proper tools to get the job done.

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Photoaging isn’t a term that describes how we start to look in pictures as we get older!   Photoaging or photodamage are terms that refer to the visible signs of skin damage caused by ultraviolet light exposure (the sun). UV light comes in the form of both natural sunlight and indoor tanning (artificial) beds.  Accumulated exposure to UV can profoundly age your skin making you look much older than you actually are.

Most of us are aware of the link between sun exposure and skin cancer. But fewer realize the link between sun exposure and premature aging.  Although most of us use sunscreen at the beach, only a few bother to put on sunscreen for our normal daily routine.  Regular use of daily sun protection is your most powerful weapon to keep your skin looking young (or younger!) than it truly is!

laser age spot removal before picture laser age spot removal after picture
Sun spots before and after pictures

So, what does photodamage look like? Chronic, cumulative sun damage changes the texture, color and elasticity of our skin. It makes it look and feel rough. Dark patches can appear. UV also damages the deeper structural connective tissues which makes our skin thin, sallow, and saggy. These changes trigger the formation of fine lines and deep wrinkles.

If you’ve been to the dermatologist recently, you may have heard a few terms used to describe photoaging. Facial redness and spider veins refer to the development of small but visible blood vessels.  Sun spots, liver spots, age spots and freckles are all terms used to describe the variety of dark, pigmented spots and patches that occur with prolonged sun exposure.

When it comes to treatments for photoaging, there are many over-the-counter creams that promise to work miracles, but buyer beware!  While some stronger, physician-grade skincare products can help reduce the signs of photodamage, there is no one, single product that can reverse the signs of aging. Like Mom used to say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The best treatment for photoaging is to prevent from happening it in the first place!

If you’re really looking to improve the look, feel and luster of photodamaged skin, your best bet is laser treatment. Class IV medical lasers help with excess redness, blood vessels and spider veins, dark brown patches, and even fine lines and wrinkles.

If you choose to go this route, make sure that you find a trusted laser practitioner with a wide array of FDA-approved devices that target the specific features of your photodamage that bother you most. It is possible to reverse the signs of chronic sun exposure, but it requires finding a practice that offers a skillful, knowledgeable and comprehensive approach to the problem.

If you’re fighting acne and have failed traditional over-the-counter products and prescription medications, we have some exciting information for you. Blue light acne treatments may be just what you need to help your skin get clear.

blue light treatment for acne before pictureblue light treatment for acne after pictureThe Blu-U light is a device that uses LED technology. LED stands for light emitting diode. It isn’t a laser, but it is a medical device that has FDA approval. As you can guess by its name, Blu-U uses a blue wavelength of light which has been found to help reduce the number of acne bacteria on your skin and in doing so, decrease your acne.

It is safe for all skin types, and can be used by itself to treat acne or in combination with other medications and products. Here at Celibre Medical, we use this type of LED technology combined with aminolevulanic acid (Photodynamic therapy) to treat the toughest acne cases.

It’s an exciting time for the use of light and lasers in medicine. At Celibre Medical, we are passionate about finding and using safe and effective treatments for our acne patients. We stay on the cutting edge of light and laser technology to be an industry leader in this area of expertise.

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The Truth About Non-Surgical Cellulite and Fat Reduction

Every day at Celibre Medical, we’re asked why it is that we don’t offer cellulite and fat reduction treatments. Our answer is simple…we don’t feel that these treatments offer value to our patients and would rather have long term patients that trust us than short term profits from patients that are unhappy and feel like they wasted their money.

We understand that there’s demand for non-surgical fat reduction and cellulite treatments. Even for the fittest of us, cellulite and stubborn areas of fat can be frustrating because they limit our comfort in certain types of clothes as well as our ability to even wear certain things! We’d love to see safe, effective non-surgical treatments for this stubborn problem too, but we must honestly tell you that the technology is just not there (as of the beginning of 2018).

Choosing the Right Treatment for Your Concerns

Let us make an important clarification: fat reduction is not the same as cellulite reduction. Although some may tout treatments for the two as one-and-the-same and claim their complementarity, it is important to note that they are two separate problems. You need to make sure the procedure you’re researching treats the specific problem that you’re wanting to correct. Common procedures for fat and/or cellulite reduction include heating or freezing the fat, sometimes in combination with suction or message, radiofrequency skin tightening, and various non-FDA-approved injections (Mesotherapy) that purport to “melt”’ fat. Other names that you’ve heard may include Coolscuplt, LipoZap, LipoDissolve, CoolLipo, Velashape and VelaSmooth. Despite being FDA-approved, we want to warn you that some of these options lack support from peer-reviewed research or the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). We encourage you to conduct your own research.

Now, our specific points on why we do not offer these services:

Efficacy. Here at Celibre, that’s the name of our game. We want to be know as a practice that only safe and effective treatments. We’ve researched all the available treatments mentioned above and few more and found them to be unreliable in terms of how well they work. After consulting with patients and practitioners well-versed in these treatments, we have confirmed that prescribing diet and exercise serves as an additional component to them. Now, what truly holds the secret to success with these treatments? Is it the diet and exercise that’s working or the treatment itself? If a treatment can’t reliably stand on its own without the diet and exercise, then we won’t offer it.

Honesty in Treatment Expectations

Value. We provide our patients with exceptional value for the treatments we offer. That means that we talk up-front with them about what we’re suggesting, what it can and can’t do to help them achieve their goals and the results they can expect. Our motto is under-promise and over-deliver on expectations. Cellulite and fat reduction treatments won’t reliably do this. Therefore, we don’t think they provide good value for you and they don’t enhance the value of our practice.

Testing the Latest Cellulite and Fat Reduction Techniques

Lastly, is focus. Laser skincare and injections is the focus of our practice. Although we’d like to be all things to all patients, we know we are very good at what we do and don’t try to offer every new service out there. We stick to what we know works well.

We understand there is growing interest in non-surgical cellulite and fat reduction treatments. We are as excited as you to see what comes next, but we’re not impressed with the current technologies.  We evaluate and test latest and greatest fat and cellulite reduction options and demand reliable, reproducible results before we consider integrating it into our practice. Our commitment is to patient satisfaction and we believe this focus is what makes us unique in the world of cosmetic dermatology.

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If you suffer with acne then you know personally the constant struggle to keep your skin looking and feeling as normal as possible while fighting breakouts. We want to discuss the important topic of skin care and acne because we see so many acne patients who really are misinformed. In many cases, this causes their acne to get worse rather than better. In a nutshell, you need to be kind to your acne-prone skin.  Yes, we understand you want to blast it with the toughest, oil-busting products you can find, but understand that this might be part of your problem!

How? Because many people misunderstand what acne really is. It is an inflammatory skin condition (in most cases). Yes, your skin is oily, but it is also inflamed when broken out with acne. So, using harsh, astringents (alcohol) or abrasive products is going to inflame it more and can trigger more breakouts.

The skin is the largest one we have and the only one that has constant contact with the environment around us. To protect itself, the outer layer, known as the “acid mantle”, is super important because it tries to maintain a certain pH (low or acidic) to fend off bacteria, fungi and yeasts. Our oil glands are part of this process. When we use drying or harsh products, we disrupt the pH of our skin. Our body takes note and tells our oil glands to pick up the pace to help rebalance it. We then make more oil and a vicious cycle begins.

What is the answer then? Gentle skin care products that maintain the skin’s pH. If your skin is healthy and functioning properly, then you are in the best position to win against acne. If you’re fighting your skin’s pH and causing it to function poorly, then you’re helping the acne take over and becoming your own worst enemy!

Start with a gentle face cleanser. Consider green tea products as they are full of anti-oxidants and may help with the inflammation. If your skin is dry, then you need to moisturize. Choose oil-free products and use them regularly. This will help calm your skin, restore the pH balance and help it feel and look better.

If your skin is sensitive and always dry and you can’t tolerate Retin A, retinoid products or benzoyl peroxides, consider using a glycolic acid product. These are right in line with the skin’s pH and many products are formulated for dry skin. These are gentle exfoliants that over time, work well without overly drying or irritating the skin.

Don’t be part of your acne problem. Listen to your skin! If it’s tight, red, dry, flaky and painful, then it’s time to make some changes. It can take a few weeks to see improvement so hang in there!

irritation acne rosacea before pictures irritation acne rosacea after pictures

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Are you seeing spots? Little red bumps on the chest, neck or back? Does it seem like they pop up overnight? If so, don’t worry! It’s likely that you are developing cherry hemangiomas – small, bumpy growths of blood vessels (or capillaries) in your skin.

In some cases, cherry hemangiomas are related to prolonged sun exposure. Most of the time, however, they are related to genetics and just one of those things that happens as we get older.

If you have either cherry hemangiomas or spider hemangiomas and you’d rather not, a hyfrecator (cauterization) can easily and effectively remove them! One word of advice though: it’s better to treat them sooner rather than later! In our experience, newer cherry hemangiomas respond better to laser treatment than older ones.

The common wart has plagued mankind for centuries. Even today it remains a bit of a mystery as to why some people struggle with warts and others don’t. Despite the widespread affliction of warts (over 2.6 million people in the U.S.), we still don’t have full proof treatments or a cure.

Verrucae is the medical term for warts. If you have or have had them, you know what a pain they can be. They most commonly affect the hands and feet, but any body part with skin can develop a wart. HPV or human papilloma virus causes them, and there are hundreds of different strains of HPV. One less commonly affected area that doctors often misdiagnose is the face. Facial warts can affect younger people. They erupt suddenly and look like pimples—just a few millimeters in diameter and pink to flesh colored. People can group them together or notice them appearing in a linear (in a line) fashion; others might observe them scattered in various areas of the face. Since they’re viral, they don’t get better with acne medications or treatments.

No matter where warts appear, most people with them want them gone fast. It seems like it should be an easy task, but warts can be remarkably stubborn and resistant to treatment. They are frustrating to both patients and practitioners! Some of the more popular wart treatments include freezing (cryotherapy) and irritation with things like salicylic acid solutions. Many people want to surgically remove them, but “cutting out” infection doesn’t always mean it will go away, and despite the availability and popularity of “natural” and “alternative” treatments for warts, there isn’t much evidence to show that any of these really work at all or are even safe to use.

An alternative to traditional treatments is class IV medical lasers. Two specific lasers we use are the pulsed dye and q-switched, most often in combination. You are probably wondering how a laser can treat a viral infection. It’s a great question and one that has a pretty cool answer! Lasers work for viral warts by destroying the blood vessels in the infected skin and generating sufficient heat to interfere with viral replication. If there’s no blood supply, the skin is basically uninhabitable for the wart and virus can no longer continue to grow. This treatment is totally different for this reason, because it is a very specific and predictable way to get rid of warts (unlike painful freezing or other topical methods where it’s more hit or miss).

If you’re thinking that laser treatment is painful, it really isn’t! Treatment is fast—usually only a few minutes to complete. We can safely use our lasers to treat warts on any skin type (color), and although there is no magic number of treatments that guarantees complete removal, we typically eliminate most warts with 1-3 treatments.

You’re probably wondering why more offices don’t offer laser treatment of warts? The reason is that lasers are expensive, and if a practice can’t (or doesn’t know how to) use them for anything else, it’s not cost effective to have one. They also require extensive knowledge of laser medicine to operate and use safely and effectively. This type of training and experience isn’t practical for many of the different medical specialties that see patients with warts.

Here at Celibre Medical, we are experts at using lasers for everything they can be used for—even warts. We’ve seen the dramatic improvement that patients can have despite failing many other types of treatments. If you’re frustrated by the slow (or lack of) progress with your current wart therapy, consider lasers—just make sure your treating practitioner has plenty of expertise in their use.

Photodamage and Aging: Exploring the Connection

There are some things that get better with age: wine, cheese, and a good pair of blue jeans. Unfortunately, most of us know that our skin doesn’t make the list.  If you’ve noticed unwelcomed signs of aging skin, perhaps you’ve tried skincare products, had laser therapy or are considering all the above!

Science has helped us better understand how and why we age. Generally, there are two types of factors that influence the changes we experience through the aging process: intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

laser age spot removal photodamage before and after picturesPhotodamage and Aging before and after picturesExtrinsic factors are the things outside of our bodies that influence the aging process. Sun exposure, environmental pollution, and smoking are all examples of extrinsic aging factors. Recently, research has suggested that certain lifestyle factors can influence how we age. Marital status, stress and depression can all accelerate aging.

Intrinsic factors are unique to each of us and can affect how we age. Genetic predisposition to disease and hormonal levels are two examples of this type of factor. Sometimes, the two types of factors can compound one another. For example, it has long been recognized that Asians who smoke have a higher rate of facial lines and wrinkles than non-Asian smokers.

Consider too that the extrinsic factors of anxiety, stress and depression trigger internal hormonal changes that can affect aging. All this is to say that there is overlap between the two types, and sometimes, there is little we can do to control both.



Sunscreen: The Ultimate Anti-Aging Ritual

If you’ve read this far, then you’re very interested in your aging process and highly motivated to take steps to slow it down.  Despite all the technological advances and scientific breakthroughs that have contributed to the development of the anti-aging industry, there is one, simple item that most people forget about every day that can make the biggest difference in our skin: sunscreen.

Ultraviolet radiation (sun exposure) is the number one extrinsic aging factor.  You could spend thousands on injections and laser procedures, but if you’re not wearing sunscreen every single morning, you might be throwing that money away! It’s true! Protect your skin and the investment you make in it by applying a readily available sunscreen every morning. It takes just seconds a day, the return on your investment is huge, and we promise it is the number one thing that you can do to slow down the effects of time and help your skin age more gracefully!

Age Spot Removal Before and After Photos

Laser Treatments for Age Spots

Laser Age Spot Removal Free Consultations

If you’ve never heard of Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome, it’s because it is relatively uncommon. It is estimated to affect one out of every 25,000 to 300,000 individuals. It is a genetic disorder that can be passed on by an affected parent, but it may also occur spontaneously as well.

If you have Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome, there’s a good chance that you have also developed a well-known, tell-tale sign of the condition: multiple, brown spots on your lips.

While these spots can also come up inside your mouth and on other areas of your face and body as well, we understand the unwanted and unwelcomed attention that brown spots on your lips can bring. At Celibre Medical, we’ve helped many patients just like you get rid of or significantly fade these aggravating spots by using our q-switched laser technology.

Q-switched lasers target the excess pigmentation, or melanin, in the spots. The treatments are safe, effective and relatively quick and painless. Many of our patients see impressive results after just 1 to 3 treatment sessions typically spread a month apart. Take a look at the before and after photos of one of our patients below.

If you have Peutz-Jeghers and want to do something about dark spots on your lips, we can help you. Please give us a call to learn more today.

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Syringoma are small, non-cancerous growths that most commonly show up on your lower eyelids and upper cheeks. They are more common in women than men, and we see them more often in Asian women than any other patients.  While they’re not dangerous, they can be cosmetically undesirable. You might think that removing these on the delicate eyelid skin would be impossible, but it isn’t! We’ve performed successful syringoma removal for many patients, so don’t let you fear hold you back from seeking treatment.

Many of our patients think that we’ll need to use an aggressive treatment, like a fractional laser. We like to think of this as using a sledgehammer to pound in a nail—it’s overkill. Sure, we could use a form of laser resurfacing, but syringoma are so small that the trouble we’d go through just wouldn’t be worth all the fuss.

Here are some before and after photos of one of our patients in the Los Angeles area who was treated with hyfrecation.

There is another treatment that is much easier but works just as well: hyfrecation. Hyfrecation involves using a thin, needle-like probe that is attached to an adjustable electric current. This tiny probe can be used very precisely to target the individual syringoma.  The electrical current heats the tissue which destroys the bumps. It’s a fast, simple procedure that works very well.

If you have syringoma and are ready to get rid of them, give us a call today.

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  • 5 star ratingThis is my first time ever leaving a yelp review but I have to say that Kevin gave me A+ service on CO2 laser resurfacing. The results are amazing!
    Linda T. Avatar
    Linda T.
    5 star ratingLove love love the services and staff at Celibre! I've referred several friends and family. Nurse Lori is a true artist and beyond knowledgeable when it comes to her craft.
    Christopher D. Avatar
    Christopher D.
    5 star ratingBest of the Best! I've been a patient at Celibre for over 10 years now, and even after I moved hours away, I still only trust the staff here to take care of me. They're all patient, friendly, and extremely knowledgeable. They keep detailed records of all your treatments and are careful about listening so you get the results you want while still looking natural. Nurse Lori has been my main provider for so long now, and she's been so sweet that I consider her a friend. Both Kevin and Lori are excellent, so you're in good hands with whoever you choose.

    I've had laser treatments, dysport, and fillers. I'm in my 40's now, but people assume I'm in my 20's or 30's. Their products are great too. They can recommend what works for your particular skin and age.
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    Lucy L. Avatar
    Lucy L.
  • 5 star ratingI have been using products from Celibre to treat my melasma for many years now. It is the only place I have found to really improve my melasma. I would be wearing so much makeup if I had never found this place. Before using their products I was trying to color correct my dark spots using colored concealers, sponging my makeup on super thick to counteract the pigment of the dark spots.
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    Sara V. Avatar
    Sara V.
    5 star ratingLori is Amazing. She explains things so well. She cares and listens to what your needs are. Thanks Lori as always for your amazing artistry!
    Dana V. Avatar
    Dana V.
    5 star ratingI needed to lighten my dark spots before my daughter's wedding along with few other cosmetic enhancement. So I started to research on medical spa...I'm asian and I needed someone who is familiar with asian skin since our skin has a different effect of pigmentation. After I talked to several places, I decided to give this place a go. I met RN. Kevin DiCerbo there...I have lots of questions and he answered with detail explanations. His answers were direct and honest and he'll tell you what works and what doesn't. And I really really appreciated that unlike other places I visited before who sold me the services which didn't work.
    My laser dark spots removal was amazing! I never thought I could get rid of those dark spots in 2 treatments! I wish I've come here 10 years ago! When I emailed several questions after my treatment he always answered me right away. The communications were really good! All the office stuffs are so kind and helpful! I'll look no further for my future treatment!!
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    Keiko C. Avatar
    Keiko C.
  • 5 star ratingLori is not just my skin specialist, she has become a trusted friend over the many years I have been going to see her. She is so gentle and kind when she does the botox and filler and restylane treatments. I always go home happy and feeling good about the improvements she makes on my face. I'm in my 70's and I always get compliments from people who believe I'm much younger. I honestly believe I have her to thank for that. I will go to her for the rest of my life. She is very talented and knows exactly what to do to make anyone look younger and fresher looking as well.
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    Linda M. Avatar
    Linda M.
    5 star ratingLori was so knowledgeable and accommodating! She suggested a non surgical brow lift and it did wonders to help my eyes look symmetrical without surgery! Going in for my next round today!!
    Cristen F. Avatar
    Cristen F.
    5 star ratingThank you to all the Celibre Medical staff for always making me feel welcomed. I've been coming to this facility for over five years, and all I can say is their service is unbeatable & the treatment you will receive is unmatched. Dara, you will be missed, but I know that you will enjoy your new journey. Thanks for constantly following up with me & im sure the entire Celibre team appreciates your hard work and dedication, especially during Covid. You rock & Lori is AMAZING :). Thanks
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    Darius T. Avatar
    Darius T.
  • 5 star ratingI was pleased about my first visitation. Kevin, the director was very professional, he explained and answered all my concerns, he suggested the phase in detail of each step, and also I was very comfortable with the staff assistant, she was very nice.
    Yuka M. Avatar
    Yuka M.
    5 star ratingI have been going to Lori at Celibre for years. I consider her an artist in her approach to fillers, botox and lasers. Her approach is to refresh, brighten and address any areas of concern. I prefer a more natural enhancement which is always the result I get.

    Everyone in their office is kind and professional. Kevin is also great to work with.

    Celibre only uses products they believe in and that offer the best results for the cost.

    I would recommend Celibre to everyone who wants a safe environment with professional highly trained people.
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    Debbie S. Avatar
    Debbie S.
    5 star ratingFor as long as I can remember my Dad has been the sunshine of my life. There was never anything too large or too small that this man wouldn't make possible for his daughter. (Colgate smile* waves*) So naturally when I started looking into preventative aging treatment I instantly thought of my father who has always looked years younger then his true age. Look there is no escaping... We are all going to get older, but there is so many treatments that can and will help the process without turning your face into a CAT. Lol

    Laurie, Nurse Kevin. You guys are the magicians of your trade. This place has integrity... and strives to "keep them guessing"

    And I will forever promote for you both, because it's amazing how well you know your craft without changing the natural beauty of someone.

    I appreciate & love you both.
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    Jen O. Avatar
    Jen O.
  • 5 star ratingCustomer service- clarifying conversations- the desired results! These are some of the proficiencies you'll encounter with these skilled professionals. They helped my skin and heart.
    Laila R. Avatar
    Laila R.
    5 star ratingLori is absolutely remarkable. She works miracles on my look. When I leave I look 10 yrs younger and it's a natural look! Roxanne
    roxanne w. Avatar
    roxanne w.
    5 star ratingI've been going to Celibre and getting treatments from Lori for over 10 years now. I've had dysport, fillers, and now laser treatments. Obviously, I'm extremely happy with the results and can honestly say I love everything she's done for me. I'm in my 40's now but don't look it at all. I look like I've aged backwards. I'm glad I started when I did because it really is preventative of future aging.

    Everyone there is kind, polite, honest, and informative. Lori has a way of working with your own look so your outcome is personalized and natural. She has a keen eye and is an expert at her craft.

    Kevin is great too. He took care of me once when I had a spontaneous mini vacation and Lori was out of the office. It's nice to know I can trust everyone there on their expertise.

    Definitely recommend! Seriously, it's sooo worth the investment to look and feel this great when I look in the mirror. When everyone around me has appeared to age while I stay young, I jokingly say I'm an Aztec vampire.
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    Lucy L. Avatar
    Lucy L.
  • 5 star ratingI just recently had the profractional laser done at Celibre in December. It has literally shaved 10 years off of my appearance. My skin is brighter, the texture is so much better, my pores are smaller, the sun damage is almost non-existent, my melasma got better and I was scared that it would get worse because that can happen from the laser. And Celibre told me that it was a possibility, but luckily it did not. It did require some time off but again it wasn't anything that wasn't explained to me by Celibre. They answered all my questions and went over everything in detail. That's another thing that I love about Celibre. You never feel rushed or like you can't have any and all of your questions asked. They always make you feel like the star of the show and I appreciate that. Celibre is the BEST place to go to for fillers, botox, or lasers. I get all of my procedures done there and wouldn't go anywhere else. I even commute from Orange County because they are that good! Celibre keeps your budget and your goals both in mind when helping you pick your procedures. I love Kevin, and Lori, and all of the girls in the front desk. They are not snooty whatsoever and again always make you feel special. I CAN'T BE MORE CLEAR ABOUT THIS, IF YOU GET BOTOX, LASERS, OR FILLERS GO TO CELIBRE!!!!! THEY SET THE BAR! THEY ARE THE BAR! THEY ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY I PROMISE!!!!!!!!! I LOVE CELIBRE!
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    Dannie A. Avatar
    Dannie A.
    5 star ratingI highly recommend Lori for any skin concerns or treatments that Celibre offers! She took the time to listen to my concerns and gave me honest feedback. I came in for hyperpigmentation that I've had for years and I couldn't find a place that could help me solve the issue. Lori provided a treatment that has pretty much gotten rid of my hyperpigmentation after the first treatment and I couldn't be more excited! I'll definitely be returning for future treatments! Thank you Lori!
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    R V. Avatar
    R V.
    5 star ratingI normally do not write reviews but I have to say that Celibre is the best. The office staff is always welcoming. Lori Haney is an artist. I have been going to her for probably at least 6 years. She is honest and I trust her to tell me her opinion about what procedures are best for me and understands that I want a natural, fresher look. I always walk out feeling better than when I walked in. Kevin is equally honest and a true professional.

    They are always on top of any discounts or specials available. I have recommended Celibre to friends and no one has been disappointed.
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    Debbie S. Avatar
    Debbie S.
  • 5 star ratingI am so impressed with the service and quality from Celibre. I drive an hour for injections from Lori Haney. She is the best and is highly knowledgeable. I'm very happy with my results!
    Thank you Lori.
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    Robyn W. Avatar
    Robyn W.
    5 star ratingThe staff here are very welcoming and informative! I'm the type to ask to ask questions on anything new I am trying for the first time and I have to say that every question I asked was answered with a honest and well informed answer which definitely made my decision to get dysport for the first time that much easier. Kevin was very informative, he listened to my concerns and gave great feedback and did a excellent job on the areas that I got dysport.
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    Angilina M. Avatar
    Angilina M.
    5 star ratingThank you Celibre for making me feels so much better! Lori is a miracle worker! Fine lines so improved and frown lines way better. Thanks for the boost in my confidence
    roxanne w. Avatar
    roxanne w.
  • 5 star ratingAlthough I'm new fairly new to Celibre, I've been very pleased with the service so far. Honesty is very important to me and Kevin DiCerbo has made sure to keep it 100% about what I can expect based on the procedure that I'm having. He takes the time to explain the process and why he recommends one approach versus another. Unlike other places, it makes me feel like he's not just trying to take my money. Kevin actually cares about his clients. Most recently, my teenage son was struggling with an insecurity and after taking him to Kevin he feels much more confident and that makes me happy. If you haven't done so already, please give Celibre a try! You will not be disappointed.
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    Anna C. Avatar
    Anna C.
    5 star ratingI loooove how the Celibre's staff is so knowledgeable in facial construction, symmetry & features and don't focus just on huge fake duck lips and SPOC eyebrows like everyone else in LA (unless this is what you want I'm sure they can cater to you also ) !! I always look so refreshed and natural , not like my face is frozen or aerodynamic (my way of describing when fillers and Botox goes bad, especially in the eyebrow area) I'm in my 40's and I looked for a place that knew what they were doing not something randomly off Instagram or Groupon !!! But I must say, Nurse Lori won me with all her educational and Informative instagram posts !!!
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    LadyLoops L. Avatar
    LadyLoops L.
    5 star ratingBeen here several times for laser tattoo removal with Kevin. Face tattoos are painful to remove. Kevin's communication with you throughout the procedure makes it much more tolerable. Thanks Kevin. 5 stars.
    Timothy J. Avatar
    Timothy J.
  • 4 star ratingCalled for a consultation and spoke with Kevin I told him I was interested in my smile lines so he booked me a consultation for the next day at 9am, I went in I was greeted by name by the receptionist she had me feel out a few forms and took me right back, they took before pics I spoke with Kevin as soon as I got there he answered all my questions, showed me examples the whole nine. He even recommended medication for my acne scars instead of just doing another treatment I didn't need so far I am happy with them and will be returning. They also accept care credit and Alpheon credit to free interest for 6 months
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    Sheena S. Avatar
    Sheena S.
    5 star ratingI cannot say enough great things about this place. The front desk staff are super personable, nice and welcoming. Kevin DiCerbo has been helping me since I moved to South Bay since about a year ago.
    I highly recommend them for any of your cosmetic facial needs!
    Mr. DiCerbo is super informative and didn't mind me asking him a ton of questions about various procedures that am considering in the future! He took the time and was not bothered at all.
    They have a patient for life with me.
    So happy I found them!
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    Amber W. Avatar
    Amber W.
    5 star ratingI was referred to Celibre by a friend and was not disappointed. The office is clean, open and had great music playing. Front office staff was super welcoming. Lori was knowledgeable, sweet and answered all my questions before I had my treatment. I felt like she had my best interest and for a first time customer felt like I've been seeing her for years. I will be going back and referring Celibre and Lori to all my friends and family!!
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    Lauren C. Avatar
    Lauren C.
  • 5 star ratingAwesome Staff and love the laser hair removable service... best thing I've done so far!!!
    Jackie A. Avatar
    Jackie A.
    5 star ratingOmg !!! What to say... I have a birthmark on my face and tried my whole life to get rid of it. No doctor could until Kevin !! I first called to ask some questions, he was so clear about everything, about what to expect, when the results would appear etc...
    I had my first Laser session 12/26 and I will need around 5 to 10 session... I already wear less makeup. I am so glad ! Thank you !!!
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    Coco C. Avatar
    Coco C.
    Went in to have some small skin tags removed as well as have some botox injected into my forehead...I didn't realize what a little touch up could do. The quick treatment literally peeled away years off of my appearance. Highly recommend going here for a customized treatment plan that will get you results.
    Jake Haney Avatar
    Jake Haney
  • 5 star ratingWhat an amazing experience!!! Not only did I love my results (which can we be honest, that's why we are all here) but Lori was so full of knowledge, walking me through each step! Don't have one negative about my experience.
    Faith P. Avatar
    Faith P.
    5 star ratingVery professional and patient! They will educate you, and answer all of your questions.
    Wendy R. Avatar
    Wendy R.
    5 star ratingI had gone to Celibre 10 years ago and had a great experience- so I decided to go back and have Lori (who I had before) do my injecting of Restlylane and Dysport. She is INCREDIBLE!! She is kind, gentle (important!) caring, explains everything beforehand...all around a beautiful person who loves to help people and loves her career! For having needles stuck in my face--it was a GREAT experience! I had to come back for a touch up and she took care of it for no charge! If you are nervous- don't be, you'll be fine with Lori!
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    Andrea O. Avatar
    Andrea O.
  • 5 star ratingI had gone to Celibre 10 years ago and had a great experience- so I decided to go back and have Lori (who I had before) do my injecting of Restlylane and Dysport. She is INCREDIBLE!! She is kind, gentle (important!) caring, explains everything beforehand...all around a beautiful person who loves to help people and loves her career! For having needles stuck in my face--it was a GREAT experience! I had to come back for a touch up and she took care of it for no charge! If you are nervous- don't be, you'll be fine with Lori!
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    Andrea O. Avatar
    Andrea O.
    5 star ratingVery clean, kind friendly staff, provided me with a lot of preliminary information. I had a lot of questions and Kevin took his time in answering them all.
    Sarah D. Avatar
    Sarah D.
    5 star ratingLori is an angel from heaven. I mean it!!

    I am a first time injector and was relatively nervous about it. I am in my twenties and wanted to enhance my appearance in a subtle way. I was referred to Lori by my facialist and she looks amazing so I thought let's do it!

    I went with my sister and best friend and we did a combined appointment. Lori made us all feel so special! We asked her to give us her honest opinion of what we needed and she did in a kind and friendly way! She did not try to up-sell us and was realistic about our goals.

    Lori is a master injector and I would trust her with my face completely. She is sooo warm, friendly and easy to talk to! I love my lips and facial filler and I will be back! I want to go back like tomorrow, lol. Thanks Lori!!
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    Erin M. Avatar
    Erin M.
  • 5 star ratingLori is an angel from heaven. I mean it!!

    I am a first time injector and was relatively nervous about it. I am in my twenties and wanted to enhance my appearance in a subtle way. I was referred to Lori by my facialist and she looks amazing so I thought let's do it!

    I went with my sister and best friend and we did a combined appointment. Lori made us all feel so special! We asked her to give us her honest opinion of what we needed and she did in a kind and friendly way! She did not try to up-sell us and was realistic about our goals.

    Lori is a master injector and I would trust her with my face completely. She is sooo warm, friendly and easy to talk to! I love my lips and facial filler and I will be back! I want to go back like tomorrow, lol. Thanks Lori!!
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    Erin M. Avatar
    Erin M.
    4 star ratingI had a great experience here. The staff is very friendly and welcoming. Nurse Kevin used Restylane to fill under my eyes to help reduce the bags and fat pads that made me look tired. Kevin used a little over 1 vial of Restylane between both of my eyes and made sure I was happy with the final result before I left.

    My eyes look much more rested and my dark lines and bags under my eyes look much better. I have a little bruising and tenderness which is to be expected with this delicate area.

    Kevin was very helpful and professional. He also recommended I make an account on Galderma's website for an additional savings on top of the groupon price.

    The only concern I had was that there is not a doctor or nurse practitioner on site. I had a quick video call with a nurse practitioner who asked me a few questions to clear me for the procedure. Fortunately, the nurses seem more than capable of administering the fillers appropriately. I would recommend Kevin if you're looking for a fast and affordable way to look refreshed.
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    Tiffany C. Avatar
    Tiffany C.
    5 star ratingStars to the moon for this wonderful place. Talk about an educated and highly skilled staff. I was beyond satisfied with my experience here. Came after after diligent research on a laser they offer . Lori went above and beyond to educate and inform in a way no other medical professional has. She has a lovely bedside manner and made my experience as comfortable as possible. Rest assured you are in good hands if booking an appt. can't wait to see the final results.
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    Nikki N. Avatar
    Nikki N.
  • 5 star ratingI love this place and the people that work here. Lori is the BEST! She takes the time to explain the benefits and risks of all of the lasers and injectables, helping me find a plan within my budget...the most bang for my buck. Not every procedure has had the "wow" desired effect I wanted, but they warned me that it may not be as effective as I hoped. They have always gone above and beyond to make things right. We all go because we want to look and feel better & there's no one I trust more than Lori to help keep me looking my best.
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    Rilee S. Avatar
    Rilee S.
    5 star ratingI called to ask for information. Very pleasant experience, not put in hold, very helpful and not pushy about making an appt. Got all of my questions answered
    Esther L. Avatar
    Esther L.
    5 star ratingThe wait is finally over! I've been searching for a great place to help me take care of my skin and fight ageing and all that good stuff. This is it and it's local (no more schlepping to Beverly Hills!).

    The space is beautiful... light, airy and spotless. The wait times are non existent and their approach is professional. Nurse Lori approaches your face as an artist. She takes note of how you use your face while having your consult. She listens to your concerns and offers realistic approaches toward addressing them. The result is very natural.

    Kevin has a wonderful approach as well and sets realistic expectations on what to expect after a laser session.

    I could not be happier with Celibre. I found their pricing competitive but their skill level was top notch!
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    Colleen B. Avatar
    Colleen B.
  • 5 star ratingGreat service and results. Lori was great at getting the look I wanted.
    Anita K. Avatar
    Anita K.
    5 star ratingI am blown away. The Office is lovely, the receptionist super nice, even the owners is hot, but really it's Lori. WOW. She knows her stuff. I told her all my concerns and she was able to do ONE procedure that fixed everything that was bothering me. This is SKILL. She is excellent at looking at your "whole face" and really able to address your needs affectively. For example, I thought I needed voluma in my face and thanks to Lori and her knowledge I got restalyn silk underneath my eyes and fixed my problem. Plus it was way cheaper than the treatment I thought I needed! I literally could not be happier! I have been doing fillers for years and I am saying will never go to anyone else again. Doesn't get much better. Thank you Lori!!!!
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    Meredith J. Avatar
    Meredith J.
    5 star ratingI had an amazing experience there. After going back and forth with one of the owners, Kevin, to make sure they could remove botched permanent eyeliner, I booked an appointment. I went and saw Lori, who was very professional and sweet at the same time.
    She did a fantastic job. I also bought 5ml of Latisse there and asked her to look at my face and provide recommendations, which she did. I got a treatment there based on her recommendation and was very happy with it.
    I highly recommend this place! I've gone to other places and it is worth it to pay for quality, after all, you end up paying so much more if you don't and it's your face after all. Look at what I had to do to fix this botched permanent eyeliner!
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    Sandra C. Avatar
    Sandra C.